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182 electrical issues

Hi All,
I am new to the fold and have only had her a few months and only just stared to drive her after have all the mechanicals going over and have discovered a couple of electrical issues I'm hoping they are all linked to one fuse (if only) so here are my issues,
Front screen washers not working (no sound of pump trying),
Rear screen washer not working (no sound of pump trying),
Rear wiper not working,
heater blower not illuminating,

also anyone got a image of fuse diagram? I've found a few on here but don't seem to be able to see washer jet pump fuse??

I'm hoping to try to have a look over the weekend depending on weather,

any help or advice would be much appreciated,
ok I've just been through the fuse box (the one inside the car) and have no blown fuses any ideas where to go next?


ClioSport Club Member
Washer pump prob knackered.
Rear wiper motor poss disconnected due to staying on all the time due to uch issues. Uch easy fix via dieselpumpspecialist on ebay. If connected/us i would get uch repaired and next step change wiper motor if wiring checks out ok.
Bulbs popped in heater controls.
Thanks Brigsy,
I've just pulled washer pump and its getting power but nothing happening so I've ordered one,
sorry I don't know what "uch" is I've clicked on the bay link and that just takes me to eBay, ill try to have a look later this weekend to see if its connected and has power going to it,
any idea how to remove the heater controls to replace the bulbs? I've had a quick search here and youtube but can not see any guides.

again thanks for your help


ClioSport Club Member
Uch is the body computer. It basically runs everything.

Stereo out and a few screws to get the heater control panel out. Its pretty fiddly leave it until a warmer day.
Ok, thanks for the support,
I've pulled the rear trim to investigate why rear wiper not working and found some disconnected wires see photo please any advice


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ClioSport Club Member
Part of the motor is missing that the wiring plugs into, see pic below.

Its either been ripped off by accident or due to wiper going all the time due to faulty uch. Only one way to find out
A quick update,
I have new washer pump which works but I've dropped the grommet to seal it into washer tank so waiting for a new one of them coming, so front and rear washers should be working very soon,

the rear I have managed to remove my old one with the wiring/plugs and missing bits, that was very easy to remove once I realised the correct way of removing rear wiper...... hacksaw on shaft now need either shaft out wiper arm or new wiper arm, but as luck would have it once I have mine out someone has removed the sticker with the part number so I have checked it against the image Brigsy kindly supplied and have just ordered one on eBay.

thanks again for all your help,

Success, new second hand rear wiper motor works new new wiper arm and blade fitted all good hopefully no need for UCH, my grommet for washer pump has disappeared in the post so need to get another then I do think I'm onto the cosmetic side of things,
Wheel refurb, still not sure weather or not to keep them the same of go Williams gold/bronze probablynew set of boots while im at it,
Get the man out to go over her and work his magic of a few small dings PDR, then she needs jolly good clean, wash, polish and sealed, don't think I'll go ceramic coat maybe something different I'll see what the man recommends
