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182 exhaust



Judging by the noise it makes when its cooling Id guess its not S/S as that doesnt do that.
  black golf v6 4 motion

i heard it was but wasnt sure and mine makes the same noise when cooling as my 1.2 16v with s/s zorst did:confused:

Well its made out of the same stuff as the 172 exhaust is. (apart from the exit pipes)

I that defo is not Stainless steel. Its the most rubbish quility of steel ive seen, which makes a really annoying noise when it heats up and cools down.

Try a magnet on the exhaust.... it wont stick to stainless... I believe only the very end tail pipe is stainless on most of renaults cars.
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo

not stainless steel but maybe a better quality than say mild steel. they seem to resist corrosion pretty well apart from the weld points.
