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182 front wheel flange


ClioSport Club Member
The front passenger wheel flange on the trophy decided it had enough and ejected three wheel bolts yesterday.

Before I start stripping the car is there a guide that shows how to replace the flange without damaging or replacing the wheel bearing as they got replaced two months ago by Two Techs.

Is there a recommended brand to buy?

Thanks in advance


ClioSport Club Member
I checked the wheels recently, and they were torqued properly.

While driving I lost one wheel bolt initially, and by the time I pulled over, the second had started to come loose. The third fell out as I was trying to move the car to a slightly safer space.

The damage may have happened while they were falling out, but I noticed two of the threads are cross-threaded. One of the wheel bolts hits the disc as it goes in and only goes in at an angle.
