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182 Intermitant Wipers?

  RenaultSport clio 182 Cup
This is only a minor gripe, but the intermittant Wiper speed on my 182 cup is far to fast!

Its only slightly slower than the slowest constant speed. Plus the relay swiching "tick" is really loud, which wouldn't be a prob if the wiper frequency was less.

Does anyone else find this annoying? I guess you could change out the timed relay switch for another one, has anyone done so?

Just thought I'd ask as it bugged me on my way to work this morn!


  White Megane R26 F1 230
I keep mine on Auto Wipe, then just play around with the sensitivity switch until it settles down.

The tick is annoying tho..


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Same as Nez for me . Keep it on auto wipe and use the speed dial , yeah the relay clicks like fcuk , lol .
  RenaultSport clio 182 Cup
Ahh no no! Thanks for thinking about it but.................

Mine is the Cup with no fancy auto wipers!

Just bog standard three speed manual wipers.

Any fellow cup owners have the same prob as me detailed above?
