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182 Questions

Hello every one,
Had my 182 for nearly 5 days now.

Got a couple of questions for those in the know... I am sure I could find these in the manual but im too lazy :)

1. Sometimes when I get out of the car and lock it using the remote key the indicators flash twice and then it locks, other times I get out the it flashs and makes a beeping noice...... whats this all about. ?

2. I worked out how do the auto lights yesterday after reading on this forum, i did the old turning the lights on and off twice and it beeped and then the lights came on auto.... but I also heard that the wipers can go on auto ... how do I do this.

3. The drivers side window does not appear to be configured for one touch use.. I heard some where that this to could be modified... any ideas?

Cheers for all your help guys
  S1 Elise 111S

1. the alarm sometimes takes a while to work out that the doors shut, leave it a second to lock it after shutting the door. It also points out if door/window/boot is open.

2. The auto wipers are on the wiper control arm - pull down once(this will need to be done again if the car is stopped and restarted)

3. Take it to the Dealer to programme it.
  Ziel Nurburgring

Another handy one is to allow you to leave the windows open in the summer but the alarm still armed is to turn the ignition on and off 4 times before getting out then when you lock it it should beep 4 times. Alarmed, but windows open et voila.
  Ziel Nurburgring

Quote: Originally posted by langers on 02 July 2004

OK so 1. If it beeps it means the doors are not shut correctly ?
My 172 has a continous beep if you leave a door/boot open
  Mondeo STTDCI

It beeps cos u armed the alarm too soon after shutting a door. Slow down a bit!

ah i c.... thanks guys..

Good advice...

Also its worth pointing out that it was my girl friend who told me about the beaping thing... so clearly she is mistreating my baby and slapping the doors about !!!!!
  Ford Fiesta

mine isnt one touch window either, must be some dealers doing it others not.

ive only had my 182 for 3 days and one touch is doing my head in. its a major project to drop my window just enough to have a cigarette hold it down just long enough so it doesnt activate "one touch" and not too long so it ends up half open and me with ash all over my shirt ...

how is it turned off
  Clio 182 / Lotus Elise S1

Had my 192 for a week now... I wondered what the beeps were for and why they only happened sometimes! Now I know.. thanks! :)

Smoking in ur 3 day old car? Shocking!!! I stand outside like a muppet at the mo.. it may be a different story in a years time! ;)
