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182 Seat Question...

  182, SRT8, RS4, GT-R
Hi Guys/Girls,
Picking up my 182 within a few days and popped down to have a look at it today. However i couldn't find where the height adjustment for the drivers seat was? Am i being stupid? I checked down the sides but nothing,i found the lumbar support and seat forwards and backwards but thats about it??
Sorry for the naff question


  182 Cup
its sort of underneath on the left, you have to take the weight off it to move it up.
its on the bottom left, but even when you've adjusted it down to the minimum setting, it still feels like it should go down another inch or two*
*no smutty remark intended.
  182, SRT8, RS4, GT-R
thanks,but i really dont think i've got it. I'll have another look tomorrow. My car is a left hand drive due to me living in Dubai, was it just UK models getting electric seats?
  RenaultSport clio 182
On that note, is there any (relatively) painless way to lower the seats that extra couple of inches? Or are new seats the only way forward?
they're not electric seats.. its a cheap bit o' plastic that's rounded at the end that moves 'em up or down.
new seats are the way to lower a little bit more.. do a search for the info...
