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182 won't start

  Low Slow & Stealth
Hi guys, could be doing with some help here, bought myself a 182 3 months ago and had a bit of grief with it, anyway turns out it wasn't the best of Clio's as the engine died on me. I bought a new engine and replaced it myself as I'm an apprentice mechanic and had my foreman check it over all was well until I went to start it.. On ignition the battery light doesn't light up, if I let all the lights go out before turning the key it does nothing but if I turn the key straight away it will crank for 2-3 seconds then stop. Checked everything over again and everything looks ok, ran it through the diagnostic and it came up with df067 de coder ring, after a search on the net I came up with immobiliser fault but the previous owner has fitted a sigma system to the car, so is it the standard immobiliser or the sigma that's giving me problems? Any help would be much appreciated.

  2005 Clio 182
Hey Jordan. I hope that you've managed to sort something by now! From your post I would say it's the custom fit sigma system that is causing the grief. I have a 182 aswell and I know that the cars are already highly strung under the existing electronics and that even the slightest alteration can send them doo-lally. If you haven't already I'd suggest getting someone you know (if you can't do it yourself that is) to have a look at the wiring and connections for the new sigma system and to check that the car has enough support for this system (fuses etc.) If the sigma system requires or gives off a high charge of current then this could be what's giving you problems with starting/running. The alternators on these 182's are also delicate and any over-ampage can cause problems with them too. Being a mechanic/apprentice you'll already know far more than me so take all this with a pinch of salt. I only know what I've learnt from my 182 and despite having used to work in a garage my knowledge is limited.

Good luck Sir!
