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2001 Clio Sport 172, No Spark

  2001 Clio 172
hi there, any guidance would be very much appreciated as am at a dead end now with my clio 172 (2001 model)!'s where i'm up to at the minute:
put key in to start, all lights do what they should on the dash, and when i turn the key the engine turns over but it doesnt fire? ive had no warning as car was running perfectly yesterday! have checked the coil pack which looks fine and changed the crank shaft sensor. checked the valve on the fuel rail and theres fuel there im just not getting a spark? i've even checked the fuses. my mate thinks it may be a cracked wire somewhere?
also (not sure if this is relevant) i only got 1 key when i bought the car and the fob on that key hasnt worked at all since ive had the car (about a year) but its never been a problem and the immobilisor light goes off as normal when i put the key into the ignition so dont think its that?
many thanks
