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2003 172 fan belt adjuster

Where is it? Is it a diy job or does that bulky 2.0 lump get in the way a little bit! :D

any tips, and yes..ive searched but no actual 172 adjusment posts
There no fan belt there 2 belts the one cambelt which i wouldn't attempte to do DIY as you need special tools to do it properly (You can bodge them but its not worth it IMO).
The other belt is the AUX belt the one power the PAS air con etc.
This is the one which needs doing ever 36k/5yrs its the one which is visiable and some people do attempt to do. Personaly I'd get someone who knows whate there doing to do it the not much space and it a pain.
The belts are self adjusting though and you should replace the adjusters when you replace the belt realy as there not amazing plus if they fail they'll do a lot of damage.
