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2k idle?!?

  Lunar Mk1 & Flamer
For some reason my valver has suddenly decided its going to idle at 2k and my temp display read out has disssapeared!

answers on a post card!
  Lunar Mk1 & Flamer
i think just when cold, only noticed it on way home from home...still at 2k
  Lunar Mk1 & Flamer
drove it for a bit, strted to idle at 2k stoped for 5 mins started again, back to 1k drove again and up it goes?
  53' 172 Cup
sounds like it could be a vacuum leak - check the intake manifold hoses for leaks...most common cause for this problem
  Looking for a ph-quick...
Speedo cable needs re-earthing i reckon. Take the top of the dash off, you will see the speedo cable going on the back of the clocks, the black wire is the earth wire, cut it close to where is enters the white clip on the speedo cable and re-earth somewhere on the chassis. Should sort it, if not try removing the idle speed control valve and giving it a clean.
Hope this helps!

  Looking for a ph-quick...
ed_172_cup said:
sounds like it could be a vacuum leak - check the intake manifold hoses for leaks...most common cause for this problem

If it was a vacuum leak they tend to idle lower not higher than normal.
  Lunar Mk1 & Flamer
AmirClio said:
Speedo cable needs re-earthing i reckon. Take the top of the dash off, you will see the speedo cable going on the back of the clocks, the black wire is the earth wire, cut it close to where is enters the white clip on the speedo cable and re-earth somewhere on the chassis. Should sort it, if not try removing the idle speed control valve and giving it a clean.
Hope this helps!


wheres the speed idle control valve?
  53' 172 Cup
AmirClio said:
If it was a vacuum leak they tend to idle lower not higher than normal.

nah pretty sure it will idle higher mate...if you take off the hose an block the source with something - the idle speed will go down if theres a leak.. or it could be throttle stop - check that the throttle is being completely released against the throttle stop by the throttle cable. If the cable is holding it open, make sure that the accelerator pedal is not caught or binding on anything. Also check that the throttle return springs are in tact.
  Looking for a ph-quick...
Zmaster2k said:
wheres the speed idle control valve?

Next to the oil dipstick there is a black pipe comming out of the inlet manifold, this goes into the ISCV. Two 10mm bolts hold it on and there another black pipe comming out of the ISCV into the airbox/Iduction kit.

With all respect i do believe that if there was a vacuum leak it would idle like s**t, as ive had this problem. Im 95% sure its the speedo cable earth though.

  Lunar Mk1 & Flamer
right removed it, cleaned it, oiled it up seems a bit better, throttle no longer sticking at 3k during driving (which it started to do but if i tried to pull away at 3k it really didnt like it!) although still sticking to 1500k (warm or cold)

however upon removal i have discoverd that there is another sensor on the left side of the throttle body with a red casing, with 3 wires comming out of it. the wires are terribally corroded? can i get this replaced?? and could it have anything to do with my problem!
