i dont have experince in transplants as i only tune the engine that comes in teh car.
But with the V8 idea...amn, alot of fabrication is gonna be needed.
Firstly, there is teh actual fittnig, a V8 is very wide and im not sure it will fit in teh bay witha ll teh anciliaries in place. You may have to relocate the brake mater cylinder and you will need to redesign the cooling system and have a new larger rad put in. It may require teh bulkhead cutting back, and teh bonnet might foul against teh V8 plenham chamber and injection/carbs. You might need ot cut the inner wings and fabricae new ones, weld them in, tehn sort out a place to fit the shocks if the banks are to wide and hit tehs trut tops.
Then you will need to sort out teh subframe and engine mounts, then you need to build a transmission tunnel for teh HUGE gearbox, tehn fabricare a new ral axle to incorporate teh drive shafts/diff/half shafts. The mount rear turrets as you cant use torsion beams anymore. Need new rear hubs to fir teh drive shafts into.
New braking system for teh plus 200kg your gonna add.
fuel tank needs to be moved, new exhaust system, then you have to get it safety checked .......teh list goes on and on.
By all means, if they can do it for that price, jump on them!
but get tehm to give yuo a detailed plan and talk about everything.....make sure they are not skipping corners, thre is a hell of a lot of work to be done....and include stripping teh car down to teh shell.