I hate seeing comments like 'It's still only ever going to be a 106' or ' Bit it's still a 106, why not buy****'
I'd rather be driving the fastest 106 in the UK than having just another standard M3 on the road.
Walking down the footpath my head would turn at the 106 many times over the M3, But maybe that's just me.
There seems to be a group of people in this world that don't understand that you can enjoy a car, that it's not just to go from A to B, But sometimes just to go from A back to A with alot of fun inbetween.
My 2 cents..
i'm with you on that mate, people who make comments like that on detailing world only do so because half of them know nothing about cars apart from how to clean them, comments like oh why not buy an m3 etc realy annoy me, yes go buy an m3 and see how much you get hammered by a kid in a 106 thats only cost him 10k, they are comparing cars with it that have the same power but are forgetting this car will weigh around the 900kg mark
and for the money hes spent on that, theres nothing atall you can buy with 550 bhp per tonne, its the same power to weight as a veyron
yes it wont put it down well but i think thats hillarious, spinning in 5th must be something special
and it was me who mentioned it on here a while back, i linked the progress blog up