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80k Milestone (Dont know why everyone does this)

  Civic Vtec y0
But then again I dont know why I done it either lol

100k is the one to see I'd think.
Not long off 80k for me unfortunatly.

Nice private road there. Or is your speedo out ;-)
  clio 182 black /gold
edde said:
Looks like over 70 to me.
I was going 75 and over took a black mira (SP) The police riot van and he just caught me up and followed and i pulled off and he never botherd me.
Clio_MK1 said:
10% of the speed limit + 2MPH
Thats speeding standard. It was taken by many police forces that so long as you were no more than 105+ 2 over the limit they wouldn't charge as it would be pedantic.
If you do 31mph in a 30 its illegal but forces used to have a thing that 35mph would be ignored only over that they would procacure.
Speedo can overead but never underread I'm not sure how much they can overread by though and still be legal.
  Civic Vtec y0
TBH if I got caught doing 71 in a 70 whats the chances of me getting done? They wouldnt watse there time stopping me!
Clio_MK1 said:
TBH if I got caught doing 71 in a 70 whats the chances of me getting done? They wouldnt watse there time stopping me!
Exactly plus its not a good reputation. Thats why there was an unwitten popular rule thing saying 10%+2mph.
Clio_MK1 said:
Can someone please photoshop this pic and put the speedo at 69MPH please?
I'm bored that why i said it. Its kept the conversation going for a bit though.

How long till 100k?
  Civic Vtec y0
the way things are going prob about another 6-7 months lol!

Hopefully have something better by then tho
