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A couple of issues, any thoughts.

  172, Tiguan
The car got its first run out for a year yesterday and the first time since the rebuild. 20 mile drive to the garage where the cage was installed and it ran fine. I obvious didn't thrash it but all felt good. Bit of a chin wag and 2 hrs later we drove the 5 miles to the mot place. Noticed on the way the car started idling rough and then stalled at a junction. We got to the garage and it stank off bad eggs. The engine management light also appeared.

Back at the first garage we plugged it in and it said lambda. Not having as spare we swapped front to back (y plate ph1).Car ran better but not perfectly, idle was lumpy.

Not much more we could do so did other jobs and at the end of the day I set off. My phone went off at the exit of the garage so I answered and the car idles for 5 mins. Engine management light comes on. Turned round, plugged it in and it says destructive misfire 200.

Inlet came off and we noticed lead 2 was loose. Also all plugs were brand new but this one was black and oiled. We put that plug in another cylinder connected it back up and I set off, thinking I'd have no hope of getting to my destination 320 miles away. It was better but still idling lumpily.

5 hrs later, 320 miles past and a tank of fuel it made it. No lights on dash either. Noticed two things though. It ran below half on temp guage and it only did 35mpg. On a similar run my last 172 did over 40.

So it still has the faulty lambda in position 2 but should I be checking anything else? It still idles slightly oddly, hunting a bit.

First trackday sat by the way.

Apologies if that read badly, all typed on phone.
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  172, Tiguan
No smoke, it's not burning oil at all. Obviously after we swapped the lambdas round it smelt for a while because it'd dumped loads of petrol in the cat. Doesn't smell bad anymore.

Just hunts a bit on idle and was running a bit cold (an maybe a bit rich still hence the slightly high fuel usage?)
  Golf GTD Mk7
Hunting may suggest icv, tps or throttle body itself. Has the destructive misfire fault cleared now?
  172, Tiguan

Yeah the destructive misfire was resolved when we took all the plugs out and seated the leads properly again. The fault code cleared down and didn't reappear.

I probably need to get hold of a few spare sensors. Not sure i've got an ICV or a TPS sensor. TB was cleaned before fitting so should be fine.
i wouldn't think it would be and ICV iuf its hunting, assuming its not idle is not too low? it just hunts?

CTS - Coolant Temp Sensor. That would also cause similar issues - they are also cheaper and easy to change ;)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Sparkplug with oil on the outside bit = you havent sealed the rocker cover / bolts etc up properly on the rebuild
Sprakplug with oil on the electrode in the chamber = pistons melted or rings knackered or other similar carnage
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1

The lambda isnt used till it gets upto temperature, so that might explain the worse mpg if its not getting hot enough.
Cant remember off hand what the crossover temp is though between open and closed loop.
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  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
More mpg on his previous car I meant. Ie less on this one.

Apologies, I wrote that very badly! Have edited it now.
  172, Tiguan
Chip, thanks for the help. I have a feeling the plug is a bit a red herring as after we put it all back together the car didn't misfire and has done over 300 miles now. Up until that point it'd done 20 miles max. I think that was a case of the loose lead causing it and I will admit the plug looked black around the tip, but i was a few metres away. It got cleaned and put back in another cylinder.

I'm going to try an order a new CTS at lunch from Renault, but our local dealership burnt down the other week. lol.
  172, Tiguan
Should say car has also done over 300 miles with the broken lambda in position 2 seemingly without issue. Take it i'm fine to leave it there for now?
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Second lambda doesnt really do anything active, it just turns a light on or off and thats about it basically.
Plug cause easily have just been a spillage and then when you take it out the oil runs down onto the electrode, if it doesnt do it again then ignore it :)
change the thermostat, and change the lambda. Tired examples of each can all seem to work, but only really be "ok" I've seen 3-4mpg improvement going from a tired/slow lambda that technically worked, to a new one before. A tired stat will take ages to get you up to temperature, meaning you're in the cold start state for much longer than you should be
  172, Tiguan
I think we changed the stat when it was rebuilt. Means draining the system to change it doesn't it?
