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A little peeved off!

  RenaultSport 197
Was having a drive home, had some work at home that needed sorting out for the morning and where I work there are some nice fast roads within the national speed limit, so I thought great, ill give it some beans (or what beans my car has anyway) and I ended up getting stuck behind an old todger in a Skoda Fabia VRS! :rolleyes:

He was doing just under 40mph on open suburban roads with clear visibility and wouldn't budge over 40! Of course I was looking at the time thinking "I really need to be doing this work" and getting a little annoyed. I couldn't overtake because the overside of the road was a constant stream of cars, so for about 25 mins I was plodding along at 40mph (not hanging on his ar*e either, giving plenty of room).

Well anyway we got on to another long open stretch of road and thought this is it, "im going to overtake now, no cars in front of him and the other side of the road is clear" so pulled out, signalled double checked and away I go, the next thing I see is a VW come flying around the corner and the VRS old git accelerating as im struggling to overtake, which made me dive back behind his bumper like a bullet and almost sh*t myself!!!

That whole stretch of road he was bobbing around up and down 40-45-50-40-38... He didn't notice me start to overtake him and if he did he sped up deliberatly! Why do tosser's like that have to drive way under the speedlimit where there is clear visibility of the road ahead!? If your scared of driving or driving a powerful car, then get off the bloody road!

I may as well of done 30 all the way home, i've still got lot's to do thanks to him. I've finished ranting now.
  RenaultSport 197
^ lol, he had a Skoda VRS.. He booted it as soon as I started to overtake in my 1.2.. I think so.. And no I couldn't have him in the twisties because I couldn't get past him as he was stuck at 40 most of the way and there was very few chances to overtake him safely!
  Civic Type R EK9
Thats cuntish i sometimes do it if im doing speed limit an peeps try overtaking but then im just as bad for breaking limit too

Those vrs's will be alot quicker then urs 2 you needed a 182 mate lol
  RARE Unmolested Corsa sxi

was it this guy?
  RenaultSport 197 he was twirling his tash laughing his arse off.
Owned with a nice big slice of mid range stomp..

If you didn't read the above, I have a 1.2 it's not exactly gonna beat many cars is it ffs? :rolleyes:

And from what I could tell, he wasn't actually looking in any of his mirrors, he hardly seemed to notice me...


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Its a limit, not a target ;)

I do it all the time on the way to work - cruise control at 38, everone tries to undertake me when it opens back into a dual carriageway.......2nd gear - BYE!


Its a limit, not a target ;)

I do it all the time on the way to work - cruise control at 38, everone tries to undertake me when it opens back into a dual carriageway.......2nd gear - BYE!

Why? It just aggravates and annoys drivers? Maybe one day you'll realise the car is'nt THAT quick and get owned. Eat humble pie then drive like a normal bloke trying to hide the fact he has a small penis...... :rolleyes:


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Id doubt there would be much in it on this road, about 300 yards after it opens up before a roundabout.

I only do it as people shouldnt be that eager to pass when there is a roundabout so colse, jeez I mean they are slowing down anyway (or should)

I only EVER do it then, other than that I just enjoy my car for what it is, a glorified hairdressers car.

Do men with small c0cks actually enjoy owning a car that wins a 'Im prepared to do 110 entering a junction' "race" really?

When I see cars like Fq300's I push mine to seee them emabarrass me - then I see what a real car can do.
Last edited:


Nice edit ;) From the post you said before I'm sure everone came to me assumption.....
  Renault Clio New Shape
The time it probarbly took to have your rant, is the same amount of time you lost behind that bloke. Never mind he probarbly enjoyed himself, seeing you peeved off. The disadvantage of having a 1.2 like me.....


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
I edited as posted before mini valver posted - had a few stellas too ;)

I stand by what I said in both pposts

I know its not the 'fastest' car - but I have only been driving 11 months and its sure as hell faster than most in this ghost town
  Civic Type R EK9
james perhaps they think youve been there and have a sleeper as not many peeps would go there in a 1.2 i take it youve been?
  133/225/CLS AMG
Such a c*ntish thing to do really.

The old sod was happy plodding along at 40 so what difference does it make if someone overtakes him?? Its called an inferiority complex.

I've been out in my 225 and before in my old 172 and I never understood the whole thing about flashing your headlights.

Funny story though. Was driving my old 172, overtook a guy doing 30-35mph in a 40 in a ropey old Proton. I over took him safely and quickly but he proceed to started beeping and flashing me.
So I slowed down with the intention of giving him the finger than heading on my way. So as I slow down, he takes a run up and floors it. Pulls onto the other side of the road, just as I boot it from 25 in 2nd gear.

Cracked me up leaving the t*sser for dust, on the wrong side of the road.

Only conclusion you can come up with is that some people are ar$eholes!!!
Which is why we invented the fog lights. Turn them on, and they generally slow down even more, giving you some time to overtake when doing so.

It pisses me off too. Theres a beautiful stretch of road back from kingswood, the fist part is riddled with fixed speed cameras, and after that its a 50mph limit. Only once have i ever had a clear run all the way back, usually i have to sit behind the ones doing 50mph as my 1,2 has no power to overtake them. Then you just sit back and watc the queue build up behind you.

The roads has some cheerfull bends and a lot of very very wide roaded straights in which, even my 1.2 can get up to 100 mph on. Tis a fun road to drive and its also a relativly safe one.
  MCS R56
With old farts like that, there is no point in getting annoyed because they don't have a scooby what's going on. The joys of driving!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
With old farts like that, there is no point in getting annoyed because they don't have a scooby what's going on. The joys of driving!

Tunnel vision - that's all they've got. As long as that little stretch of tarmac that they can see ahead with their little piggy-eyed peepers is clear, then they are happy. Happy in the complete ignorance of the carnage and mayhem they are causing in their rear mirrors.

If second-hand M1 Abrams tanks were cheap to insure, I'd have one as my next car. Either blast the owd giffers out of the way or just drive over them. :cool:

I hate it when people do that. A few months back I was on a 60 road doing about 50 as id just got out of a 40 zone, and a megane pulls out onto the road going pretty slow. So I went to over take and the c**t puts his foot down making me pull back in behind him.

It was sooo embarrassing cuz I had a girl next to me in the car and she said "Why didnt you just go past"?. I thought cuz the bloo*y 1.2 has no real guts unless you give it over 5k.

Anyway it annoyed the hell out of me and put me in a bad mood for ages. :mad: .
I feel for you lusty, this happens to me ALL the time, usually by old gits who are early for their tea party and have all the time in the world. unlike the rest of us who have pressure on us to be places at certain times and do lots and lots of miles evey day.
  RenaultSport 197
thats the trouble with having a 1.2, can be quite hard to overtake 'safely and quickly'

Same applies for any 1.2 imo. We are all just as bad! But at the end of the day if people would drive normally we wouldn't have to overtake silly gits like that guy I was following yesterday. I mean 20mph under the speedlimit is just plain ridiculous in good conditions and an open road - am I wrong in thinking that?
People say it's a limit not a target so if the limits 60 and the persons doing 40 i'm well within my rights to overtake without having to be blinded by the c***s full beam flashes (at night)or left hung out to dry when the wanker decides to floor it when im going past thats just pure dangerous.
  BMW F31
i think you need to breath mate! lol

but i do agree if i get stuck behind someone doing 30mph in a 40 or 50 i overtake, i did hear once that you can actually be fined for going too slow at a constant pace in a speed limit e.g. 30mph in a 60, as it incites people to overtake and cause accidents. that may be total bull but i swear a copper or someone told me that once.
  RenaultSport 197
looks to me like you got pwned by an man who can't eat a solid meal.

never mind eh!

Like ive said alot in this thread so far i have a 1.2, he was in a Skoda VRS, much more power than I will ever have in this car, so what do you expect? If I turned around and said "oh yea I completely owned a VRS" you guys would of laughed in my face. I couldn't overtake because my car couldn't give it some beans when he accelerated once I started the manouvre. End of really. And yes, I would of continued to overtake regardless if a car wasn't coming in the opposite direction. :eek: he was twirling his tash laughing his arse off.
Owned with a nice big slice of mid range stomp..

If you didn't read the above, I have a 1.2 it's not exactly gonna beat many cars is it ffs? :rolleyes:

And from what I could tell, he wasn't actually looking in any of his mirrors, he hardly seemed to notice me...

To be honest..its all your fault
You harassed, provoked and frightened that poor old timer down 20miles of road.
Pushing him into a reaction! ..well you got your comeuppance you faacking slagggg
  RenaultSport 197
^ rofl! I did not "harassed, provoked and frightened that poor old timer" at all, mate! I stayed way back off his tail (I don't tailgate any car for that matter) and gave him plenty of time. I didn't flash him or wave my hand around, I gave him plenty of leway (sp). The only time I got close to him was when I was about to overtake him. F*cking read next time, or I forgot, were you on my passenger seat??


  Non RS : (
i had the same prob the other day in my 1.416v i was folloing someone for ages then when i decicde to shift down and build spped to overtake this Old man in his big 5ltr Merc mashes the deck and caines it off i beeped my horn when i was along side and he put his hand up to say sorry i then got into my viallge he was pulled up waving me in, i expected him to have a go as they alwas do, But he actually was really sorry and said oh sorry old boy i idnt see u there i had my stereo turned up and was on the blouetooth to the wife i was FUMING!!!!! but somtimes u just gotta get on with it lucky no one was coming as far as we were both concerned
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
If you didn't read the above, I have a 1.2 it's not exactly gonna beat many cars is it ffs? :rolleyes:

And from what I could tell, he wasn't actually looking in any of his mirrors, he hardly seemed to notice me...

To be honest..its all your fault
You harassed, provoked and frightened that poor old timer down 20miles of road.
Pushing him into a reaction! ..well you got your comeuppance you faacking slagggg
I have this problem in the 1.2 but if people do it intentionally ie sit slow and then as soon as you pull out they speed up when you're along side them there is something you can do if you're willing to be just as dangerous, move over towards them. I know I know not safe and I've only ever done it once coming back from work as the c*nt had already done it once or twice as I went to overtake him, they get the message and either drive off or let you in.
