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Airbag and Service Light

I have had my airbag light and service light coming on and off everynow and then. When one comes on the other one will also come on and the same when they go off. It seems to turn on when I turn the steering wheel and just randomly goes. If anyone has any idea to what the problem could be or have resolved this problem before, then I would apprieciate some help
Thanks Oli ;D
  MK3 GTI golf 16v
frayed wiring would be my bet, it is the usual cause. under one of the front seats ish is the most common. are there any renault or french car garages near you ? they will of seen this alot and be able to sort it easily for you


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
The seats are common issues with airbags on the Clio II but you say it does it when you turn the steering wheel so I'd say it'll be sterring angle sensor/clock-ring related. Diagnostics would be money well spent i'd say in this case.

ill have a look to see if there are any obvious connection problems under the seat or around the stearing wheel and if that fails, to a garage i go!
