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Alarm fitting help please. You spending 5 minutes with a multimeter!!


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Afternoon chaps

I'm trying to fit an alarm to my DCI which unfortunately I can't get to work. I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind testing which wires on the UCH go to which wires on their alarm pre-wiring plug.

My DCI and cup both don't come with the alarm pre-wiring plug so I need to solder the wires to the correct places
At the moment I have the;
White + black - salmon wire from hazard switch
White - Brown wire from central locking
Black - earth
Yellow - ignition controlled 12v
Red - battery 12v

This is how it was connected in my cup but I've never heard the thing go off and after reading this thread I'm not holding out hope it was connected correctly

This thread seems to show the white and black going to a green wire of which there are plenty on the UCH!

I only need the white/black and white wires checking as these are the two I'm unsure of. It should be on the smallest plug of the uch which a brown and green connector within the bigger connector.
Thank you



ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
You lot are awful.

To partially answer this thread I found a clio with the prewiring plug.

The black and white does indeed go to the salmon wire on the hazard switch.
The white wire is a little more complex as it appears to have a connection to nearly every pin on the UCH so I really need to take apart a whole look to work out the deal there. Any loom donations welcome :)
I've been looking into this, i've got the plug.


So the alarm black/white goes to the 2 green wires.
Alarm white goes to the 2 brown wires.
Alarm yellow goes to yellow/brown wire.
Alarm black goes to black/brown wire.
Alarm red goes to red/brown wire.

Now i've traced these wires back in the spare loom i have and this is what ive got.
Green wires: 1 runs off to hazard switch(green wire) and the other to the uch green connector(pin29)
Brown wires: 1 runs off to auto lock button(brown wire) and other to uch brown connector(pin15)
Yellow/brown: runs to fusebox (i got s6 10A) but did find its ment to be s7 15A
Black/brown: grounds off back off speedo area
Red/brown: runs to fusebox s29 20A

Hope this helps
