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alarm question?

  Inferno 182 w/ Recaros ;)
can somebody tell me why sometimes, at seemingly random times, when i lock the clio, the lights will flash twice as normal, but it will beep 3 times.

i dont have a clue why it does this. i remember that if it beeps 4 times it means that the alarm has gone off right? but whats with the 3 beeps?

hope its nothing serious


(its on a 182 btw)
  FF 182, K5 GSX-R1000
Theres a post about it with fault code but basically the alarm still gets a signal from the power supply for a few seconds after turning off due to capacitors. If you leave it longer before locking it wont do it, or you can have a monkey at Renault mess with the wiring in vein attempt to fix it.
  Black/Gold 182
ps it happens on mine all the time. The wonderful Renault dealers said "you're probably pressing the button too quickly or summit". Muppets.
By the way. I was told that if you press and hold the key fob lock/unlock button it locks without arming the ultrasound. Have yet to try it...
Is it possible to have it so that the alarm beeps when you lock the car? I've got a 172, expect it's the same alarm as a 182? Just prefer to have an audible as well as visual note that I've locked it!
  Black/Gold 182
I don't think so. With the 182's the problem is that sometimes the alarm beeps and sometimes it doesn't
