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Alpine head unit issues - Won't start with car + forgetting all its memory

  Clio 182
Hi guys changed the head unit which is much better than standard however this issue is quite annoying. Just wondering if anyone has fixed this issue in past? thanks in advance.
  Mk2 Ph2 172
Swap over the red and yellow wires in the ISO loom...

As if red and red, yellow and yellow are together

Swap them over to red to yellow, yellow to red
  Clio 182
Thank you for the swift response I shall give it a go:D I know this is going to sound stupid but am I right in saying the cars actual iso cables and not the stereo's cable? I know nothing about ICE:eek:


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Makes no difference, as long as they're swapped over.

Ones a permanant live, ones a switched live.
  Clio 182
Will probably sign up to be a club member shortly. Im going to swap the wires directly from the car and leave the Alpine HU's cable standard.
  Clio 182
On the alpine it was as follows: Red + Yellow Red + yellow

I then tried yellow + yellow red + red and is working perfectly?

The previous owner must have changed the iso loom from the car's cable. At least it's all working now. Thanks for the help guys!
