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american pile up

  silver valver/hybrid

some places in usa are 65mph limits IIRC. cant believe how slow some of these people react to an accident, and why was the van parked in the outside lane with no hazard lights on? muppets!
  Dirty E91

You get 75mph limits now in the states, when I drove from LA to Vegas I accidentally missed a sign telling me I was going from a 75 into a 55 zone, I ended up flying past a patrol car sat on the side of the road!

Didnt take him long to catch up! Got let of with a warning.

how would insurence companys sort that one out.. the 1st hit is so so so bad, the second one where the guy swervs to miss loads stuff done well but still hit a car.

Ive seen it before from a link on

Interesting to watch, and quite amazing how some of the drivers just drove straight into the carnage. I guess it just goes to show how far ahead the average driver is actually looking. Id bet its no different here in the UK to be honest.

Quite disturbing really - Ive lost count of how many times Ive reacted to a situation I can see ahead, that the 2 or 3 cars infront of me have misssed. Like "dudes are you going to brake or not? Have you not seen the tyre smoke and brake lights 300 yards ahead?" happens daily on our motorways.

LOL!!! wot a bunch of C**ks!!

they just keep on piling up?!!!
Hmmmm loads of red lights ahead! i know ill carry on speeding!

i hate yanks they smell!
