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Amp / Speakers question

  CLIOpatra, L22EE W™

This question has been going around my head for the past few days. I am thinking about setting up an Amp and Sub in my Clio, also planning to run the front coax's from the amp and run the rear coax's from the H/U.

So the question I have is, if I am running the front coax's from the Amp, do I simply run a speaker wire from the amp the the front (to the coax's). Do I disconnet the speaker wire from the H.U, Then simply connect the speaker wire from the amp to the coax's. Do I need to cut the speaker wire running from the H/U, or can I just cover the spades (to stop the touching any metal) and tuck the wire away in the door where it currently is?

Maybe a simple question, but I just wanna check


  big fat japanese bus
yes if you have a 4 channel amp, bridging 2 channels for the sub and using 2 for the fronts.

You can tape up the spades or disconect at the back of the H/U however you need to use a head unit with pre outs adn I don't believe the standar one has?
  1.2 16v clio
yea thats wot im doin but im not usin a standard head unit. if the rear speakers dont like it cos im not gettin any new 1s im just going to fade it from the rear to the front.
  CLIOpatra, L22EE W™
muzz said:
yes if you have a 4 channel amp, bridging 2 channels for the sub and using 2 for the fronts.

You can tape up the spades or disconect at the back of the H/U however you need to use a head unit with pre outs adn I don't believe the standar one has?

Ah cool.

I don't have a standard unit, I have got an Alpine CDA-9812RB, so it does have 'Pre Outs'
