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Amp Wiring

  ph1-mk1-1.4, white

Im hoping to get 2 ampd from one of our members, i was wondering on the best cables to use for the install.

I have bought a roll of 10guage OFC wire to use as speaker wire.

Should i use 0guage to the battery, then split this to 4 guage to each of the amps?

What cabe should i use for the earth and for the remote on signal?
Best way to run power from the battery to the inside of the car,
concidering i have crossovers and alot of cableing under the passengers seat and on that side of the car.

I was hoping to put the amp for components and 6*9's under the drivers seat and sub amp ontop of the sub.

Comments and suggestions PLEASE!

You never know we could rewrite it to the definative Mk1 Wiring guide, i could do pics.

  Exige S1 + Honda S1
Gauge depends on how much power u want to use, 0aug is massive, no needed unless ur really throwing thousands of watts about.
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
depends what power your using 0 gauge is a little on the industrial side that waht my bf uses on his 24,000 watt system

upto 1000 8awg is ok

10awg will be fine for the 6x9s but id wud use 8 for the sub

form battery there will be a hole in the bulkhead somewhere that can be used.. there is one on everycar
  ph1-mk1-1.4, white
I was going to double up the wires for the sub, so run 2 lengths of wire, and use each length for each terminal.

So maby i should use 4guage for ALL the POWER lines to the amps.

Is this the same size as i should use for the earth?

  Polo + Micra
um i think people need to realise cable size is dependent on current flow

8 awg = 40 - 50A
4 awg = 90 - 110A
0 awg = 250 - 280A

10 awg for speaker wire is fine if not a little over kill
  ph1-mk1-1.4, white
LOL, made a huge difference on the cat5 network cable i used to be using!!!

Another question, what cable to use for the unamped signal to the amp from the head unit? going to buy phono plugs from maplins, but i have no clue on what type of cable.

Wernt there some formulas for the old current, i should maby speak to my dad who is a physics teacher, has a degree in maths and worked for the royal signals!!
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
where are you based
you can buy wiring kits form halfords
i have a 8awg one sat at my unit

add me to msn ill talk you through it

taylor_sp87 at
  Polo + Micra
nope i bought my rca's as it is just too much like hard work for my liking.

but if i was id use that as the ground acts as a screen to the inner core
  ph1-mk1-1.4, white
Vibe monobox
Class AB monoblock bass amplifier
1x600 watts rms(1x1200 watts max) @ 2ohm
1x400 watts rms(1x800 watts max) @4ohm
Microprocessor protection modes
internal convection cooling modes
digital level controller
24dB low pass and subsonic crossovers
Bass enhance pluss
high level speaker inputs
RCA inputs/outputs
Low profile, ultra compact design

Dual stereo power amp
4x100 watts rms(4x200 watts max)@4ohm
2x300 watts rms(2x600 watts max)@4ohm
microprocessor protection modes
internal convection cooloing vent
0-18dB Bass enhancement control
Low profile, ultra compact design
frequency response 20-20 kHz

Thats the specs of the amps im going to be running, can any of you guys now help with power and earth cable sizing?

Have you got the amps there should be a fuse on there thats how i would tell i had a alpine v12 2ch 600w peak amp i think and that had a 50amp fuse in it so and i ran 4awg to that but think that was a bit to big so if i was you i would run 4awg and then split it down to 8awg to the amps mine went into a power cap first hope this helps:)
