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Andys Racing Blue FF


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy Rs265
Pictures please of the RB when detailed Andy, I’ll bet it will look a million dollars all polished up - love a Racing Blue Clio.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Busy Clio weekend coming up.
RB is now mechanically sorted for future enjoyment so she is booked into my detailer to make that colour pop! Also getting him to address the bobbly front seats.

Trophy #151 is going to Simply French on Sunday with Keith in #368.

Thanks for reading. Andy
I haven't touched mine since end of April, house build has taken over, so sort of lost interest in it for moment. Get some pics up of the detailing when it's done!


ClioSport Club Member
The paint is in very good condition and she has had some work done by the previous owner.
The attention I receive when I drive the RB is far in excess of the Trophy mostly due to its stunning colour.
I enjoy polishing by hand etc but a professional with the latest machinery and confidence will give better results.
Will post photos up over the weekend.


ClioSport Club Member
Picked the old girl up last evening and was blown away with the results.
Rather than going down the ceramic coating route of the Trophy I wanted to still manually polish the RB .
As she was such good shape a stage 1 plus swissvax Onyx canuba wax was the plan.
Studio pics first and my real world images after.
The car is bloody shiny!


ClioSport Club Member
A quick update on RB.
She had a new windscreen fitted today which has been long overdue but as I was grinding,sanding,scraping and spraying paint all over the place during her refresh I thought it was best to leave its replacement until now.
Tracking reset after driveshaft and 2 new tyres.

Also I’ve still not resolved the abs/tc/brake light issue after replacing a drive shaft, wheel speed sensor.
The air con seems to be leaking and the aux belt and tensioner are due next year so she is off to K-tec next week for some TLC.


ClioSport Club Member
RB had her first visit to k-Tec this week to sort out a couple of minor issues that I ran out of talent trying to sort! Lol
The long running saga of the abs/serv/tc lights not going out and the car feeling lacklustre while cold and also not pulling as hard as she should in the lower rev ranges was quite frankly pissing me off.

My previous BG and Trophy have been very well looked after by Stephen and the team who have an amazing depth of history and knowledge of the RS cars so all is sorted now.

My Icarsoft diagnostic code reader obviously got brain fog and it turned out to be the left abs sensor not the right that was causing the problem
Regarding the sluggish performance while replacing the auxiliary belt and tensioner the timing was found to be miles out.

Had a free morning today and it was sunny and I thought sod it!
Bournemouth to the Haynes Museum near Yeovil is 50 miles away with country roads including ZigZag hill near Shaftesbury to enjoy.
Love this little car!


ClioSport Club Member
RB had her first visit to k-Tec this week to sort out a couple of minor issues that I ran out of talent trying to sort! Lol
The long running saga of the abs/serv/tc lights not going out and the car feeling lacklustre while cold and also not pulling as hard as she should in the lower rev ranges was quite frankly pissing me off.

My previous BG and Trophy have been very well looked after by Stephen and the team who have an amazing depth of history and knowledge of the RS cars so all is sorted now.

My Icarsoft diagnostic code reader obviously got brain fog and it turned out to be the left abs sensor not the right that was causing the problem
Regarding the sluggish performance while replacing the auxiliary belt and tensioner the timing was found to be miles out.

Had a free morning today and it was sunny and I thought sod it!
Bournemouth to the Haynes Museum near Yeovil is 50 miles away with country roads including ZigZag hill near Shaftesbury to enjoy.
Love this little car!
View attachment 1615378
RB is such a good colour. Looks great.


ClioSport Club Member
Well after just 2 weeks I’m tinkering again!
While at K-Tec the air con leak was tracked down to a corroded condenser.
A lack of time on the day and the part not being on the shelf gave me the chance to give the front end of the car some attention.
Bumper off, slam panel and faulty condenser removed revealed the radiator wasn’t looking too special either!
So after removing the fan housing, radiator, mega flush out of the coolant, sanding down some minor corrosion, applying Hydrate 80, primer, top coat she now looks like this!

I also found a spare top engine mount, a vapour blasted bracket in the war chest of parts I’ve squirrelled away and popped them on too.

Once the new condenser arrives latter this week i can put her back together with the new radiator and thermostat.


ClioSport Club Member
Found some time this morning to fit the new radiator, condenser and dryer canister that sits alongside.
The flexi hoses/pipes had previously been cleaned up with new seals/O rings installed.
If I get a chance this week I will fill her up with D coolant, check for leaks and then fit the bumper back on.

If all is good I will get the air con re gassed at the weekend.
RB will be pretty much done.


ClioSport Club Member
RB passed her mot late December with a couple of minor advisories.
1. Handbrake mechanism binding slightly.
2. The rear beam flexi hoses showing signs of corrosion.
As the parts are so reasonable new I fitted 2 new hoses and rear calipers.

We have been together exactly a year and I have got her to a condition where she handles and drives superbly without spending a fortune.
Having said that i am quite handy with the spanner’s so have saved a considerable amount on garage labour.
For the build thread I will post up a list of all the many new parts that have been fitted.

Think I might need a new project! Thanks for reading. Andy.


ClioSport Club Member
One last job which I’ve been looking for a permanent fix to is the Cat/manifold flexi joint.
There are several ways to sort this and most work well if going down the sports cat route.
My local garage has done a reasonable job in welding a couple of nuts on the end of the Oem cat so the spring bolts hold the lot together. It’s lasted several months but I might be taking RB on an adventure in Europe and don’t want the whole lot dropping off while driving through the pyrenees mountains!
She is booked in next Saturday to have this welded in which appears to be a cost effective solution.
This Sunday the weather down in Dorset was fine ,no salt on the roads and i persuaded the Doris to join me on a blast out.
We ended up at Lyme Regis for lunch but on route the coast road from Portland via Abbotsbury to West Bay(Broadchurch) is fantastic.
This is the view looking back towards Chesil beach.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
One last job which I’ve been looking for a permanent fix to is the Cat/manifold flexi joint.
There are several ways to sort this and most work well if going down the sports cat route.
My local garage has done a reasonable job in welding a couple of nuts on the end of the Oem cat so the spring bolts hold the lot together. It’s lasted several months but I might be taking RB on an adventure in Europe and don’t want the whole lot dropping off while driving through the pyrenees mountains!
She is booked in next Saturday to have this welded in which appears to be a cost effective solution.
View attachment 1632590This Sunday the weather down in Dorset was fine ,no salt on the roads and i persuaded the Doris to join me on a blast out.
We ended up at Lyme Regis for lunch but on route the coast road from Portland via Abbotsbury to West Bay(Broadchurch) is fantastic.
This is the view looking back towards Chesil beach.
View attachment 1632603
I'd seriously look at getting it vbanded imho


ClioSport Club Member
RB started life in Scotland and stayed north of the border with its first 3 owners. The car has been down south with me for just over a year and has had a lot of TLC without going overboard on cost to get her into the great condition she is now in.

As I said from the beginning I didn’t want to create a garage queen like the Trophy but as it’s turned out I don’t want to drive this car when the weather is crap!

I’m fortunate enough to have access to a garage in Southern Spain so she is emigrating to the sunshine for a while! I will post up pictures of the trip down as the scenery around the Pyrenees and heading towards Madrid via Burgos is breathtaking.

To update her history for future reference the following list documents the work/new parts i and others have fitted.


New oem fog lights

New oem number plate light

New windscreen

New wiper blades

New oem bumper insert stickers

New oem front arch liners

New oem slam panel rubber seal

Extensive underbody/interior cavity corrosion prevention works(sills,bumpers removed)

Professional stage 1 paint correction and swissvax polish plus headlight polish


Full valet including seat de bobble

New oem gear leaver gator

New oem RS floor mats

Snappy steering wheel refurb

4 Audison speakers

Connects 2 stereo adapter


4 new MPS 3 tyres

Wheel refurb

Hunter alignment


4 new oem discs and pads

4 new brake callipers

4 new oem flexi brake hoses

2 new front abs sensors

New brake servo hose line


4 new oem cup dampers

4 new eibach proline springs

New oem top mounts

New track tie rods and ends

New lower arm ball joints

New oem anti roll bar bushes and brackets

New o/s Shaftec driveshaft


New cat to manifold flexi joint

2 oem rear hangers


New radiator

New air con condenser and dryer

New oem air con pipe o rings

Air con re gas

New oem expansion bottle and cap


Bay detailed

New oem aux belt and tensioner (k-tek)

Reset timing (k-tek)

New oem vvt switch seal(k-tek)

New oem top engine mount

New oem bonnet switch

X2 oem oil and filter changes

3 Ltr Millers CRX gearbox oil

New oem gearbox filler cap

New oem gearbox sump bolt

Thanks once again for reading. Andy


ClioSport Club Member
RB has been on a 3 day road trip down to southern Spain!
I split the journey into 3 500 mile chunks.
Day 1. Bournemouth to Dover, through the tunnel and stopping at Orleans south of Paris.
Day2. Orleans to Vitoria - Gasteiz northern Spain via the Pyrenees mountains.
Day 3. Vitoria - Gasteiz to Nerja southern Spain.

The car drove faultlessly throughout and averaged 39mpg at a steady 80 mph.
The french roads may not have the backdrop but the surface quality puts our network to shame.

Day 3. To be honest i was bloody Knackered. 1000 miles on my own, 500 to go in a Clio droning away and it was starting to get hot (30 deg).

The last leg spurred me on as the slight detour via the Sierra Nevada National Park near Granada was driving nirvana!
Mountain roads, views to die for and apart from a few crazy cyclists and bikers I had the road to myself.


Lots of quiet roads to explore this year and beyond. will keep you posted.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
RB has been on a 3 day road trip down to southern Spain!
I split the journey into 3 500 mile chunks.
Day 1. Bournemouth to Dover, through the tunnel and stopping at Orleans south of Paris.
Day2. Orleans to Vitoria - Gasteiz northern Spain via the Pyrenees mountains.
Day 3. Vitoria - Gasteiz to Nerja southern Spain.

The car drove faultlessly throughout and averaged 39mpg at a steady 80 mph.
The french roads may not have the backdrop but the surface quality puts our network to shame.

Day 3. To be honest i was bloody Knackered. 1000 miles on my own, 500 to go in a Clio droning away and it was starting to get hot (30 deg).

The last leg spurred me on as the slight detour via the Sierra Nevada National Park near Granada was driving nirvana!
Mountain roads, views to die for and apart from a few crazy cyclists and bikers I had the road to myself.
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View attachment 1648125
Lots of quiet roads to explore this year and beyond. will keep you posted.View attachment 1648124
Do you have friends/family down there or was it just one off the bucket list?


ClioSport Club Member
Managed to find some time for another trip to Espania next week.
The wife does the usual sunbathing/reading books etc but after a few days I get bored so I’ve pre planned another 1 day jaunt for RB.
The well respected Evo mag columnist /racer Dickie Meaden has on many occasions raved about the Marbella to Ronda Mountain road.
It’s about a hours drive each way on quiet smooth twisty roads with amazing scenery on the way.
Pulled these images off the web. Can’t wait!


ClioSport Club Member
RB is still resting in Espania.
The Ronda trip was aborted in September and last week due to the weather forecast In the mountains.
It’s amazing how you can set off from a sunny 25deg Costa and climb 3000m up an incredible mountain road and face fogg and 5deg half an hour later at the top so maybe next year.
Not to be beaten I decided to take a sneaky trip up to the Granada Ski resort regardless off the weather which was overcast. My aim was to climb up to 2000m where the lodges and cable cars start.
It’s closed season so the road up is very quiet and apart from a couple of petrol stations for the locals there is nothing open.
Got a bit lost on the way and stopped by this dam. Shocked the hell of out me when I looked over the railings! (zoom in on the Lorry below)!

1500m up the view was amazing.

2000m, fog and can see bugger all! 6deg.

More trips in Andalusia to follow.


ClioSport Moderator
Got to be worth getting the ferry from Portsmouth to northern Spain, more days spent in Spain where the scenery is better. Are you driving the whole way back too?


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry to say the weather this Christmas in Spain was exceptional. Took the RB out a few times. The roads are so quiet and the surface puts our goat tracks to shame.
Popped down to the costa for breakfast with the Mrs on New years Eve.
Crunch time due in April as the Mot runs out which means I have to make the choice to either bring her back and sell or Matriculate onto Spanish plates which since we left the EU is not cheap.
Back in February and finally make time for the Ronda trip.


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry to say the weather this Christmas in Spain was exceptional. Took the RB out a few times. The roads are so quiet and the surface puts our goat tracks to shame.
Popped down to the costa for breakfast with the Mrs on New years Eve.
Crunch time due in April as the Mot runs out which means I have to make the choice to either bring her back and sell or Matriculate onto Spanish plates which since we left the EU is not cheap.
Back in February and finally make time for the Ronda trip.
View attachment 1674979
Looks amazing, car doesn't look bad either


ClioSport Club Member
RB will be coming home next month.
It’s been fantastic to enjoy driving her on the Spanish roads over the past year but the matriculation process due to Brexit has become more complicated and expensive.
The car will not pass because she has non standard Eibach springs and a Scorpion cat back exhaust. I have documents from Renault,Scorpion and Eibach confirming that the OEM parts are NLA and what I have fitted are suitable replacements.
well they ain’t having it.
To compound the situation the 182 unlike the 172 was not originally sold in Spain so they have no data and apparently I have a modified rear bumper with twin exhausts!
The only way I can get a plate is to fit brand new OEM springs and exhaust system.

As I can’t perform miracles the towel has gone into the ring.
I will put her up for sale once she is back in the garage next to #151.


ClioSport Club Member
RB will be coming home next month.
It’s been fantastic to enjoy driving her on the Spanish roads over the past year but the matriculation process due to Brexit has become more complicated and expensive.
The car will not pass because she has non standard Eibach springs and a Scorpion cat back exhaust. I have documents from Renault,Scorpion and Eibach confirming that the OEM parts are NLA and what I have fitted are suitable replacements.
well they ain’t having it.
To compound the situation the 182 unlike the 172 was not originally sold in Spain so they have no data and apparently I have a modified rear bumper with twin exhausts!
The only way I can get a plate is to fit brand new OEM springs and exhaust system.

As I can’t perform miracles the towel has gone into the ring.
I will put her up for sale once she is back in the garage next to #151.
I happen to have a set of OEM 182 springs and an original exhaust I’d consider letting go of, if you haven’t already made your mind up.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
The car will not pass because she has non standard Eibach springs and a Scorpion cat back exhaust. I have documents from Renault,Scorpion and Eibach confirming that the OEM parts are NLA and what I have fitted are suitable replacements.
well they ain’t having it.
It sounds like a Utopian Hellscape.

I’ll be putting my flags out for when it arrives home.



ClioSport Club Member
RB failed the Mot due to corrosion near the rear of the subframe.
Not wanting a patch up job i dropped her off at a well respected local body restoration company.
To do this sort of job to ensure there are no future issues isn’t cheap but I’m very impressed with the results.
Also rust areas look so much worse and most assume the whole car is rotten!
The photos show that once the defective metal is cut out the remaining areas around are still in great shape.
Re test on Friday


ClioSport Club Member
RB passed the mot with a clean bill of health.
She is taxed and attending a show on Sunday near Salisbury.
I met my brother for a quick beer at our local seaside pub earlier and was surprised by the attention she got in the car park due to the colour.
Not feeling too good about this but I need to get a newer car for Spain.
After her trip back from Andalusia she is now in great shape and ready for a future custodian.

At some point over the weekend I will post a detailed advertisement on this forum before going to the masses as I’d rather she went to a fellow 182 enthusiast.
