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Annoyed with badge

  Clio MK 4
removed the renault sport badge so i could put the new one on and its f**king taken bits of paint off! Can still see bits of the glue but guess that will fade after a few washes. Just pissed off as it has left scratch like marks.

Did any one find it happened to them or just me ?
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
i didnt know they were held on by glue i thought it was just pins going into the panel:S


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
The CLIO bit is pinned in. The Renault and Sport ones are stuck on with black double sided tape only. Anything else (glue etc) and they've been off before.
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
The Clio badge is held on by pins.

The Renault & Sport badges are held on my glue. I removed my badge the otherday just applied lots of heat when removing them.

I couldnt help but feel the Sport badge looked rather tacky, and the Renault badge just didnt look right without the sport badge lol So ripped them both off


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
I plan to take mine off tomorrow, Will be using a hair Dryer and a bit of 50lb fishing line to aid the removal... hope the paint doesn't scratch.
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
I plan to take mine off tomorrow, Will be using a hair Dryer and a bit of 50lb fishing line to aid the removal... hope the paint doesn't scratch.
should be fine aslong as you apply plenty of heat
