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Another HDR try out.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
First attempt at it. Used my dad's PS CS3.

It's not turned out the way I would like, any pointers?




  1.2 Dynamique billabong
yeah mate, dont use CS3 for HDR stuff its rubbish, use either dynamic photo HDR or photomatix. i did a project for uni recently and compared the three software and i was really disappointed with the results from CS3.

i also take you are making up your HDR image of three exposures, -2, 0, +2
firstly i dont see the need for HDR on the original image, secondly as Jungle Jim said, dont use CS3 and thirdly, the HDR image looks rubbish imo


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
cheers for feed back.

yeah, 3 exposures.

is photomatix a cs3 add on, or its own software?
  GW RS200
theduckeatspork is right mate - where in the original photo is there points so dark and so light that you need to use HDR to recover details? The answer is nowhere, and that's 99% of the reason a lot of people aren't having much success. You need to find a scene with incredible bright and dark spots.


as said, learn the reason for HDR first.

its a tool to help get around physical limitations ie. more than 5 stops dynamic range.

your sky is perfect.

leave it be. and be thankful

tell you what is ridiculous, the pic isnt blown out on the original, but it is on the HDR pic. ahahahahahaha
