According to renault UK my 02 172 is an import - an eu import with all the right spec.
When I HPId the car there are no import alert markers and nothing on the log book under the special notes section
are ther two different levels of import - if so is one ok and the other not?
Plus why is everone so bloody hung up about where it was originally bought from? I mean if the car is spot on and has 3 years warrany with the right spec whats the bleedin problem? - the way i see it is that all the scaremongering from the trde seems to be working, all the PR blub sent out to discredit imports seems to be doin the trick - all because renault uk are losing out cos they cannot steam people!
Personally it dosent bother me - if the person made a saving when he bought it new well good for them, I am more concerned about the car itself and not the paper!