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Another issue (sigh)

ex-Chinese Dave

ClioSport Club Member
I started the car from cold and noticed this symbol on the dash. Turned the engine off and on again but it remained. I had no option but to drive home in traffic and after about 30 mins I noticed the engine management light had also come on and there was a lack of power. Made it home but help!

I looked up on CS what this is and it relates to an electronic fault. The car has just had a major service so it won't be belt or plugs related. I have had the TDC sensor off and cleaned it to sort out a starting issue (a new sensor is already on its way). I also read that it could be a coil pack issue or throttle body or a loose connection or or or! Lots of options of what it could be. These things don't get better but my first idea was to disconnect the battery to reset everything and check for any loose connections (I really haven't seen anything obvious and the chaps at Birchdown had a good look round last week).

There is also a check to do using the wiper stalk.

Any ideas or advice?


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ex-Chinese Dave

ClioSport Club Member
I checked the leads to the coil. One clicked a little when pushed on but nothing is loose. The heartbeat symbol has now gone out when I started the car but the engine management light has stayed on.


ClioSport Club Member
Get it scanned with can clip and it will give you an indication where to go, without that your guessing.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Isn’t Birchdown an hour away? Mine was a dirty Throttle Body. The butterfly valve wasn’t moving freely enough, which caused an inconsistent signal back to the ECU, which in turn put it in limp mode (that symbol on your dash) and an EML light.

I took it off, cleaned it with WD-40 and contact spray and it cured it for a few months. After it happened again, I bought a new TB. Problem solved.

But as Brigsy said, you’re better off getting a proper diagnostic on something like that, otherwise you’ll end up going round in circles.

ex-Chinese Dave

ClioSport Club Member
After pushing that one loose lead down and hearing it ‘click’ into place the car started fine without the ignition warning light being on. The EML stayed on though. I took the car for a blast on some roads and the m-way and it felt perfect, plenty of power and no nasty noises or other. There’s no nasty smells from the exhaust (there wasn’t any earlier) and it idles perfectly. I’m guessing that the lead being loose was the culprit and the EML staying on is because it’s remembering this fault. It’s a logical conclusion but I take your point about having it checked out. If the fault returns then it’ll go for a check up. Birchdown are more than an hour away but it’s more about me not having time to go as I’m working (and probably they are mad busy).

I’m not sure there’s a way to turn off the EML except to disconnect the battery for 30 minutes or so. If there was unburnt fuel put through the cat then maybe it’s tripped a sensor. Would than clear itself after a while of the car running right or have I killed something?

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
EML should turn itself off after a few times starting/driving the car without the issue being present, if it stays on then that means it's detecting a different fault. Take it out a few times and see if it disappears before worrying about diagnostics, and a cheap OBD scanner should be able to tell you basic codes related to the EML.

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
The guys are right about Clip being the best for pinpointing a fault, but a basic scanner should point you in the right direction at least
