yet another tale from owning a magnex, im really glad i got this now......not.
i got a new middle section from a member on here, without the middle silencer, so it would stop catching on every speedbump i pass over.
took it to a local independant who swapped the middle sections over for a tenner, i thought top job.
later on i noticed that the back box looked lower than it used to (about an inch an a half from the floor)... but this was 6pm so the garage was closed...
heading down a dual carrigeway last night doing 75ish last night i hear this clunk, then believe it or not sparks coming from the back, needless to say i did s**t it and pulled over into a lay by. looked at the exhaust and it had dropped down even more, resting on the floor, but it was still attached into the mount/rubber.
i tried lifting it up which it did, but wouldnt stay there. my mate jumped over a fence into someones garden (backing onto the carrigeway)... to try and find something to tie round it to hold it up so i could get home... he comes back with a washing line, lol, which we tied around the back box in the p***ing rain and round the mount on the chassis. this worked and the exhaust is where it should be, and ive covered another 150 miles with it on and it hasnt moved an inch...
now... has anyone ever had anything like this happen before.. like it dropping completely down with it still attached to the mount? Also, any idea how this can be fixed and so it dosent happen again???
i got a new middle section from a member on here, without the middle silencer, so it would stop catching on every speedbump i pass over.
took it to a local independant who swapped the middle sections over for a tenner, i thought top job.
later on i noticed that the back box looked lower than it used to (about an inch an a half from the floor)... but this was 6pm so the garage was closed...
heading down a dual carrigeway last night doing 75ish last night i hear this clunk, then believe it or not sparks coming from the back, needless to say i did s**t it and pulled over into a lay by. looked at the exhaust and it had dropped down even more, resting on the floor, but it was still attached into the mount/rubber.
i tried lifting it up which it did, but wouldnt stay there. my mate jumped over a fence into someones garden (backing onto the carrigeway)... to try and find something to tie round it to hold it up so i could get home... he comes back with a washing line, lol, which we tied around the back box in the p***ing rain and round the mount on the chassis. this worked and the exhaust is where it should be, and ive covered another 150 miles with it on and it hasnt moved an inch...
now... has anyone ever had anything like this happen before.. like it dropping completely down with it still attached to the mount? Also, any idea how this can be fixed and so it dosent happen again???