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Another what camera question

  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
havent got a clue what im looking for. just something very good quality not to expensive but something you can change the shutter speed to do the blur effects etc. if you know what i mean.

pic would end up on a pc and/or a mac for photo shop edits too

any recomendations?
You can pick a refurbed 350D for not much more than a decent compact.

As JJ correctly asks, it's all down to how much you want to spend.
D40 with kit lens + nifty fifty. Maybe a CPL aswell. Great starting kit imho.

One thing I've realised in the short time I've been into photography that the desire for new kit NEVER goes away lol. There's always something that you simply neeed lol
  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
hoping no more that 150 really lol it only for a thew projects and personal fun and creativness really. Whats it called when the shutter speed is adjustable to get the effects im after? if there isnt any with this option whats the best n clearest one i could get?

always been interested in photography but could just splash £300 straight out like that lol if you know what i mean
  SLK 350
Shutter speed and Aperture are the features you speak of, try google there's lots of things you can answer yourself. You won't get a DSLR for under £200 but a good p&s will have manual settings to tinker with.
  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
dslr? that what im after? what a cheap one of thoes cost aslong as its still good and clear. Whats can be done with p+s's to acheive this?
  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
dslr what does that mean. like i said originally i am hopeless when it comes to cameras so done understand al this lingo lol think £200 would be my limit. Could somone simply recomend a dslr and a p&p and perhaps explaing the good bits and bad bits for me lol.

the one above ^^^ looks well nice 10 mega pixles must take stunning pics
  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
just captures more pixles so when editing it doesnt blur the colours as much :) thats about all i know about photo capture :) lol

like i said any recomendations

either just for good clear photos or the effect i wanted. tbh if its too much to get the shutter speed mode i wont be too woried. like the hoff said could just have a tinker with settings
  Tangoed Works
I just shelled out on a 350D today, been wanting a DLSR for ages now. Got a 38-70mm lense with it as well. Cant wait to start snapping away.
  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
sound nice but still done understane the whole 38-70mm lenses. and how they are different lol

yes i know im a r****d lol :p
Fuji s6500fd

Most of the benefits of a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex (I think)) camera but without the need to spend £££ on lenses.

Seen some refurbished ones for sale now - should easily come in under £150, and a 2gb xD memory card can be got for about £15 online now :)
  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
Shutter speed30 sec. to 1 / 4000 sec.
so would that mean it could do the effect i originally was looking for??? thats well nice aswell £150 aint bad either?
So does shutter speed if you're shooting moving stuff lol... And yes you'll be able to do what you want with that camera.
  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
well thats what i ment lol well said. blur moving objects might have made it easier ...
thats nice pritty interested. so i guess that is also i general good camera then.

any other out there to compair with it about the same price?

btw thanks so much for all your help lads
  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
hmmm that snice too. think i prefeer the fuji as its black although the bridge had more megapixles for editing though hmmm decisiopns decisons. thanks again
  Clio 1.6 16v 2002
thanks to all that has helped. think when i get the money i will be a proud owner of a fuji camera and lots peopl who ca help when i get stuck lol

thanks again
