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Any ideas

Okay Ive had my 182 Cup since May 26th and it now has 900 miles on the clock. Almost from the beginning of owning i have noticed a strange noise/clunk from the clutch which occurs when you pull away after just starting the car up. You can feel a slight vibration through the clutch too. Strange thing is it happens just the once, it never happens when you are, say pulling away from traffic lights, etc...
I took my car to the Renault dealers in Chichester (where I bought it from) but they were crap and said they couldnt hear anything - What a surprise! Anyone hear experienced what I am talking about or know anything??? All help comments would be appreciated, cos I know something isnt right.
  Renault Laguna Coupe

The ABS does a self-test when you pull off after starting the car. The gearbox is notorious for a clunk when engaging first gear too.

Nothing to worry about.
  Lionel Richie

also the rear brakes seize on due to the rear discs rusting and the pads then stick to them

but this is completley normal

Mike I thought this could be the case, as I used to own a Zetec-S about 5 years ago and that performed a self check. Hopefully it is that!! Thanks for the response - you too Fred, although its nothing to do with the rear pads binding due to them getting wet, definitely to do with the transmission.
