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anyone been 2...

  RB5 & 172

motorvation motorsport in dorking, surrey. anyone used them?

i get married next sat and have the friday off work so what better to do than put my car on the rollers. would like to go to power engineering but could be cutting it close to get back in time for me rehearsal, big trouble if i miss that.:oops:

Quote: Originally posted by jimblive on 30 April 2003

i get married next sat and have the friday off work so what better to do than put my car on the rollers. would like to go to power engineering but could be cutting it close to get back in time for me rehearsal, big trouble if i miss that.:oops:
Well she will be putting her hair in the rollers tu I guess. So you can blame each uver if yas late.

Have a great wedding . Congrats.
  RB5 & 172

cheers people.

going to book my motor in there so i can be thinking of what to do to it while im sat on the beach on my honney moon.;)

just means i cant post my results for 3 weeks after i get it tested.:(
