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anyone familiar with Joomla??


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
ok, do you see what i mean??

if i click on modules and pointers they come up as links.

how do i do that?
soz for the delay .....

Will have a look when I get a moment, been busy, being strange, normally you just add the menu, then the component should automatically update the menu component....

Will have a look :D
  Titanium 182
just read the forum so missed the chance to help. I'm one of the 6 core developers for Mambo (same thing) so feel free to give us a shout directly if you need any help.

Best wishes
  Der Panzer
I used to use it.

Didn't like it too much. All of the templates look the same.

Easy enough to install and use though.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
just read the forum so missed the chance to help. I'm one of the 6 core developers for Mambo (same thing) so feel free to give us a shout directly if you need any help.

Best wishes

really thats very handy to know, but very bad for you LOL

i know nothing about web sites and someone built mine for me, so lots of questions could come your way?

Coudnt get it working, mind you did not try too hard.

How did you go about it.?

its all to do with the area ringed

