I tend not to, but it's rare that I'll pump hour after hour into a game. One aspect of games that is guaranteed to switch me off is where the designers just add several hundred hit points to the same piss-easy foe, in order to make them harder later on.
I enjoyed Final Fantasy XV11111VXMCM - Crisis Core on the PSP, until the weak minions who took two hits to kill at the start, simply amassed in more numbers and took about 15 hits to kill later on. Just lame game design, imo.
By far and way the longest period I've ever committed to a game was with Battlefield 2142. As an online FPS, it has yet to be bettered imo. Although not flawless, the squad-based aspect just worked a treat - especially when paired up with some decent team players.
The tank was my
raison d'etre - and single-handedly represents my feeling that FPSs should have a vehicle aspect to the game. Infantry only is just so boring and two-dimensional. I was pretty good at holding my own against other tankers (I had a kill/death ratio of 14:1 at one point) - but I absolutely
loved the game when the other tank pilots were either very good, or exceptional. Ignoring all the chaos going on in the game (unless your squad/team needed help of course!) and trying to take each other out, one-on-one - sometimes traversing the entire map to do so. Just brilliant.
Anyways, I'm rambling..... and feck. I've just realised that I've spent 69hrs-20mins driving a bloody tank!