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Anyone having problems with W800/o2

  Octavia VRS
The last couple of weeks when I have been phoning various people, my phone seems to connect but I can hear nothing at all.

When I hang up and phone back instantly it seems to be fine and when I ask the people I am phoning if they answered the phone the previous time they say yes but that they couldn't hear anything.

Anyone had similar problems? I'm not sure if it is my phone or o2 playing up?



ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
could just be a problem in your area, you might have just got a bad channel

phone o2
  Ford Focus ST170
I used to have a K700i and that never worked properly on O2, in the end O2 admitted the software wasn't compatible and withdrew then from sale. Maybe similar problems are affecting the newer SonyEriccsons?
