i heard u can put games on an external usb hard disk and play them? u got more info on that? might buy a wii if that is the case.
I installed a Wiinja in a friends Wii weekend just gone.
Was a small pain in the ass as 3 of the pins on the back of the cdrom you need to solder to are the size of pin heads. Although thre Cyclo has the easy solder points so shouldnt be a problem. UNLESS you want to desolder in which case have fun.
It worked though. Plays backups.
Looking forward to when they have been upgraded and can play import games. I assume you have checked that you dont have the chip on the cdrom that doesnt work at the moment?
We used White top Riteks. -R. Burnt at 8X on a Pioneer 111
Burnt Wario Ware, Spongebob, Red Steel, Super Monkey Ball and Rayman.
All seemed fine? No jumpyness
Aye, I have one of the first models. So chip should be ok.
Hopefully the tri-wing should have arrived today so I should get it installed tonight.
What media did you use? I hear that -R's are working better than +R's.
Also, which backup did you try? Wario ware is supposed to be a jumpy during the cut scenes?
You quoted the other lad I have allready installed a wiinja in a wii. Depends how good you are with a soldering iron.
You cant really mess up with the easy soldier pads, however if you ever want to change the chip its a nightmare to desolder. Although the cyclowiz is meant to be updatable.
To find out your chip, you can match your serial to the list floating around on the internet. And no it doesnt do Imports at the moment
Yeah the cyclowiz is the one with easy solder pads, the wiinja isnt. I had to solder wires on his, but if he wants a new chip makes it far easier to change.
I dont *think* they can as this literally sends code to trick the cdrom into thinking a legit game is in the drive. It doesnt touch the Bios chip or anything like that. Thats the general view
But if this was the case, just take the chip out and it reverts back to normal. Like the original xbox had a switch with some chips