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Anyone insured their 1*2 for business use?

  Nike Lunar Elite's
Now I've started work I need to cover my 182 for occasional business use until I get my company car. Anyone recommend any good company's to try? Already done a search on confused and money supermarket, also enquired with Greenlight but not sure if they will cover me for business use.
I had to get business insurance it bumped my premium up by over £700. Saying that i got ripped of as my mum got the same type of insurance for £50.
Having now shopped around I would definetly try Admiral they seemed to be cheap. I am not sure if you get a business quote if this is additional to your social policy or the business will cover both maybe someone could answer that.
  FF 182, K5 GSX-R1000
Im with Norwich Union, 35k buisness miles a year, by far the cheapest for me when compared on
