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Apple Ipod Touch & Voucher Codes

  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
Been looking on the tin'ternet for a Valid Voucher Code for an Apple Ipod Touch 16gb. Just wondering if there is any that haven't already expired & where is the cheapest place to buy them from?. If there are not codes?..

  Der Panzer
Know someone that works for an Apple reseller and use their purchasing power. That's what I'm doing. :clown:


  911 GTS Cab
i picked mine up yesterday from america, paid £200 for the 16gb one.

It is amazing, espeically for web. I was just sitting in a restaurant in Salem (Witch country) and wanted to see the street layout. So i just browsed for a wireless lan, found 5, connected to 1 and went onto google maps and hey presto had it all at my fingertips. It really is a slick piece of kit!
