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applying left over paint for touch up

  S2 106 GTI
Since I had my car sprayed I got given a tub of left over paint...... the other day I noticed a little defect right in the corner of the bonnet stone chip maybe?

Now whats the best way to apply it as its not like normal paint..... they mentioned something about using a very fine nail brush but also using some lacquer as it won't dry on it own........ unsure on the method - if someone can help out!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Yeah Gib the basecoat itself is waterbased so it'll wash off without lacquer over the top.

Best thing to do is build up layers of basecoat letting each layer dry, even use a hairdryer lightly.

Then top with Lacquer. I always suggest wet sanding once everything is dry but that requires polishing ect.

Bottom line, you need a lacquer touch up.
  S2 106 GTI
can you use any lacquer? as I have some in a spray can - can you spray it into a jar and use that??

using something sharp like a pin they said that way your in control of the paint
