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audi R8, nuff said

so was on the way to the lakes for family easter break, dad saw this in his rear view mirror, and took us quite a while to calm down as we are audi nuts!!







it was quite obv that he was enjoying my interest as he kept speeding up and slowing down to let me take snaps, his wife. . . . .not so much :)

and alot more to come once the vids up load, put it this way, multiple orgasm ;)

where abouts was this im sure ive seen one before on the m6 southbound... i thought it was a prototype though not the actual thing so i didnt take much interest
  ITB BG 182
Love the commenty " have ya got it, no its alright i got it yea yea ohhhh... baby yea"
Bit add'd on but hey
haha thanks john, wait til the next one ;)

my grandrents were in the car, and are quite religious unlike my dad and i, got major looks when i started sayin jesus christ alot :S

yeah was on M6 north jordan mate, sos had to rush out before btw

haha thanks john, wait til the next one ;)

my grandrents were in the car, and are quite religious unlike my dad and i, got major looks when i started sayin jesus christ alot :S

yeah was on M6 north jordan mate, sos had to rush out before btw


no probs!
Cracking looking car - I didn't even think they were out yet though, I thought they came out September time.

My bro's boss has one on order - with a massive spec list, jammy git !
yeah they do, this must have been some sort of journalist test drive for audi.

best mates dad has one on order. that makes the garage rs4 and 6 and then r8!! lucky fucker!!

theres a v10 coming out soon as well ;)

amazing arent they :) dad now wants a test drive (midlife crisis after selling his business ;))

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
very nice!!!

there is a 406 round here with the LED's under his headlights the same as on the R8 lol!
  Mreg 1.8 16v naples red
how much are they ? i was told they were a lot cheaper than rari's * and other similar speed veeehichulars. i think there stunning as well. deffo better in the looks over a lambo/rarri !
75 i was told!! there is a v 10 comin out, both on order from smith knight fay in stockport by best mates dad!!:D:D
  CLIOpatra, L22EE W™
Dam, I have yet to see one of these on the road!

Just watched the vid too, the front lights are pretty sweet


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
isnt it an RS4 with a diff shell, not knocking it as it looks fcuking ace


same engine i think, cant rly say its the same car with a different shell tho.
