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Audio Adaptors Required...Do you know what I need? :-)

  Clio Sport 197 R27
Hia Peeps

Have a Clio R27...which I am loving...only had it a month! :D

But, having fun connecting my Sony MP80 Stereo up.

I have it all running nice...but would love to get the stock controls working.

Can someone give me the definative 'Autoleads' ref or some other makers ref so I can hunt one down on WeeeBay? As I am not impressed at the cost of them down my local highway man's...errm I mean car audio shop...what a rip off for a few wires and a plug eh! :dapprove:

The one I currently have is out of my so long ago departed 306 Gti6 so it's about as much use as a choclate fire guard! ;)

Help greatfully received.


