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badly faded red paint..

will this polish back up??

whats the best products to use? the flat red paint seems pretty ''oxidised'' and faded on the roof and boot/spoiler..

or is it a respray job?

roof and rest of boot are no way near as bad.

  106 GTi
Spoiler looks pretty far gone, try some Klasse AIO it's the best thing I have found to use by hand on oxidisation.
thanks for the reply brazo.. i remember seeing that photo.. even mentioned the photo to the car owner, to restore faith it can be sorted. he he

i went out and gave it the boot and a bit of the roof a little going over with AG super resin and it came up ok?

going to go out tomoro giv eit a good wash/clay and then give it a few coats of super resin if weather is ok and see how it comes up

the klasse worth ordering then? where's cheapest place for it?


p.s the cars been sat in a driveway for around a year..
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  106 GTi
Super Resin will do the same job as the Klasse, the Klasse just seems to do it quicker.

Not sure where it is cheaper though,Clean and Shiny or Serious Performance both do it I think
well i got LOADS of super resin.. so may aswell just give it a few well needed coats

got one hell of a mucky engine bay and some very shitty arches to clean too..
got it to this stage so far...can still tell its faded looking closely.. but thats a fair few coats of super resin, a bit of turtlewax safe cut, bit more super resin, some harlys wax, and some more super resin.. lol


whole car was clayed
rear quarter, boot and roof have had 2-3 coats of super resin and some harlys wax, doors and front end so far have had 1 coat of super resin.





tell ya what.. am fooked! lol

washed it and clayed it in gorgeous weather, got a ful coat on of super resin, was just doing a bit more on the spoiler and it started raining! had to reverse it in the garage, squeezed out. then it started hailstoning really fiercely so had to reverse it back in more, nearly crush my nephews little electric car thing (that he only got lastnight), and had to shut the garage door as far as i could.. still managed togiv eit a quick dry off and some more polishing though.. i'm happy with the result!! :)
  Punto/Clio GTT
G3 it with a mop to start to bring back the colour, then use your polishes and whatever else you use to give it a shine and protection
havent got a machine polisher..

might get some g3 though and do it by hand see if it comes up better.

bubbles - its not mine.. just a car ive got to get back into tip top shape, new brakes, new bumper, new wing mirror, and various other problems..
Rich said:
Nice work guy, you should invest in a pc!

i cosidered it.. but then relised id probably be lethal with it and either do damage to myself, my car, or someone else. lol plus they cost alot..

bearing in mind this car hasnt really had a decent clean, and was used to go onto a VERY shitty coal terminal daily..

i managed to find some red paint under the arches!! need a brush with stiff bristles really though to get it better..

AG engine and machien cleaner around engine bay, underside of the bonnet and on the inlet bit. didnt want to do much as didnt wanna mess the electrics up

then a quick spray and wiper down with AG vinyl and rubber care.

alternator is still seized though so looks like im going to have fun with that.. really hope i dont have to remove it!


excuse the phone pics..
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Rich said:
Even the under bonnet paint looks faded!

Job and a half on there.

the paint under the bonnet and in the door shut is like really dull red colour.. dunno whether to try polishing it up or just leaving it?
do they do dodgy paint in the engine bays in japan?
