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battery flat, is this causing it? piccie inside

  Ph2 172 MB 77/468
came to start the car this morning and it wouldnt,

borrowed some jump leads off a mate and still cant get it sorted.

its turning over with jump leads, but will only turn over for 3 seconds or so, before it cuts out

while taking the leads off before shutting the bonnet i noticed this,,


its the side of the alternator, and im guessing that little green stump should have a wire in it?!

please help as ive only had the car 6 or 7 weeks and only had it working for 2 of them!!!!
  Ph2 172 MB 77/468
swapped batteries with my other car, and this works on that, and vice versa, got a feeling it may be something more, although when i try and start it on the clio it drains the battery quick as anyhting
  Arctic Blue FF 182
Is it me or does the red connector in the foreground of the picture look like it's cracked on the spade terminal?
  Ph2 172 MB 77/468
it does look cracked doesnt it, i'll go have a look as ive got the RAC coming out now.

all the dash lights work, and when locked the immobilisor, alarm light flashes yeh
  Ph2 172 MB 77/468
no, dont do that, it flashes with the car locked, then when openened, it flashes till i stick the key in and turn it, then it goes out. it flashes at the same slow pace though, not any faster

just had a look at the spade, and its fine, its just the angle of the photo
  Ph2 172 MB 77/468
the problem was Fred, was that i couldnt start it ;)


the problem


the Rac guy gave it a wiggle, which cleaned the prongs, stuck the boost charger on, and hey presto, we have life.

So there you go, if youve searched this thread, theres another reason why it may not be startgin!
