Darren S
ClioSport Club Member
Unfortunately, I doubt it will ever return the older method of player progression. It's as though the devs and publishers think gamers need spoon-feeding rank increases and/or perks by simply firing a shot.The ranking system needs a look at, seems abit silly going up the ranks so fast, especially when you need to rank up each individual unit type anyway.
Went up 7 ranks in one match when I first started playing, was just silly.
It all becomes meaningless. I start the game as a total rookie, yet can achieve 7 ranks in just one game? What's the point of the first 6 ranks then? They are pointless and offer very little in the way of an achievement - just simply a quick stimulus to make you think you're good in that instant. You might as well get an award for making a complete line in Tetris.
To me, (and I haven't tried the BF1 demo yet) - but this is the core reason why BF3 and BF4 fell off the rails. I never feel like I'm working towards something - a high-spec, obscure piece of equipment or weaponry that few other players in the field have. BF4 in particular added insult to injury by showering you with free Gold, Silver and Bronze battle-packs when I simply logged into the bloody game - let alone played a round. It felt like nothing I had obtained I had to work for or at - cross your fingers and who knows, EA may bestow it onto you FOC anyway.
It dilutes the experience completely for me - so much so that for the first time in Battlefield history on my PC, I might not even bother with it. Players who want to jump in, help out their team and commit to a series of objectives are being abandoned by the kids fixated on being rewarded for everything. And no backdrop of awesome graphics or immersive audio can disguise that complete and utter design flaw.