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Battlefield V

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
This looks like it could be very good, aimed even more at squads with what is being brought (back?) into it.

Some text from Games Radar.


The comparisons with Fortnite: Battle Royale are inevitable. But don’t let that dishearten you, or detract from the fact that Battlefield 5is very much its own, unique game… and quite possibly the most ambitious evolution of the franchise in years. This is DICE making a WW2 shooter quite unlike we’ve ever seen, and it’s possibly going to make last year’s Call of Duty: WW2 look a bit silly.

Senior Producer, and Battlefield stalwart, Lars Gustavsson makes a standard boast at the start of my extensive, behind the scenes look at Battlefield 5. “This is the richest, deepest and most immersive BF ever created,” he says. It’s a line we’ve all heard before, but this time it seems true. The scale and ambition of this game is vast, so to simply compare it to Fortnite, PUBG, Destiny 2 or any big shooter of this generation is perhaps an understatement. If DICE's grand ambitions fall into place, this could be theshooter of this generation.

Grand Operations.

So, let’s start with those Fortnite comparisons. They stem from a new mode called Grand Operations, which is an evolution of the Operations concept seen in Battlefield 1. In Grand Operations you fight a huge battle for four in-game days, with each phase of the battle impacting and dynamically changing the next. The example we’re given takes place on the new Rotterdam map. Day One sees the attackers being paratroopers. The plane circles the map and you can choose to drop out at any time to play the objective - in this case you’re looking to sabotage enemy long-range artillery. The more you take out, the more you minimise casualties for main attack force, which enters the game in Day Two. As the defenders, you’re looking to minimise losses, and you can take out the troop carrier aircraft with AA guns for massive kill numbers.

On day two, the main force arrives and you’re given resources according to how many artillery placements you took out - so, that means more troops, more vehicles, and even starting with more ammo if you’re more successful. From here, you push in and capture flags, like in Conquest. Day Three brings a whole new objective, but changes the map, so you’re fighting in a ruined version of Rotterdam. And the Operation can end on Day Three, if you win a decisive victory but… you don’t want that, because Day Four sounds incredible.

Day Four is sudden death; last man standing. Your soldier is exhausted, down to a few rounds of ammo, and you’re trying to simply eliminate the enemy. Hey, don’t just call it Battle Royale - call it Battle Royale perfected. The winning team is the one that is left alive at the end. Yes, there are spectator modes, yes, you can revive downed squad mates, yes it’s going to be intense.



Now, let’s talk about squads, because Battlefield 5’s big thing is squads - what it refers to as ‘My Company’. The idea here is that you build a squad and stick with it through all game modes. There are three core modes - War Stories (single player), Combined Arms (co-op), and Multiplayer. Your custom character stays with you throughout it all, and your company can tackle co-op and multiplayer as a unit. There are massive rewards for working together, as is the case with all Battlefield games, but the emphasis here really is on sticking to a squad.

For example, the Medic class has changed to encourage more unity among companies. Now ANY class (to be clear that’s: Assault, Medic, Recon, Support) can revive a downed ally. It takes longer, and won’t fully replenish health, but an Assault can bring you back to life within a limited amount of time after death, for example. A Medic just does it quicker, and gives you 100% health on revive. And they can still lay down medkits, which you now have to physically take, instead of just being near. Oh, and you’d better keep a Medic handy, because health won’t regenerate to 100% either - you’ll need to heal for that. The even better news for Medics is that you can now drag downed enemies to cover before you revive them, so no more ‘bottlenecks of death’ like we see in BF1 maps like Amiens.

Support has changed too. You can build fortifications now (Fortnite comparison klaxon) and create fixed machine guns, in addition to resupplying allies and carrying LMGs. Fortifications can be a whole host of stuff, from simple sandbag walls, through barbed wire, foxholes, and even strengthening of destroyed buildings. When you’re attempting to hold a flag in Conquest, this is going to be a genuine game-changer, as is the ability to tow stationary weapons across a map using vehicles. Yup, you can use a tank to tow an AA gun AND use both weapons as you go. And yes, that also means you can organically create an absolute stronghold out of building materials, scavenged stationary weapons, and an assortment of vehicles.



Don’t get complacent, though. Bullets now penetrate cover again, and higher calibre rounds will rip through thicker barricades. You can easily shred a house with an LMG. Destruction is actually realistic and organic, so you can blow houses apart piece by piece, with no pre-set animations. You can even kill enemy troops with flying debris. So, you really might need that Medic close by!

Squad play really is at the heart of BFV, and when you join a game you actually have to opt out of a squad, if you want to lonewolf. Of course, going it alone is still valid - you can still grab pick-ups, and there are resupply stations around each map for ammo and health. But you’ll be missing out on much of Battlefield 5’s best if you do go solo.

It becomes doubly important to play together when you consider the game’s new scarcity system, which means that players will only start with a limited number of explosives and ammo packs. Good Battlefield 5 players will get through maybe 3-4 kills before they run out of ammo, so looting downed enemies, resupplying, and asking Support classes for drops are essential. DICE really wants the game to ebb and flow, so you’re not constantly in pitched battles - there are down times when you’ll need to hide and recover your health and ammo reserves.


It’s not just the squad roles that have changed either. Spotting has been reworked, to avoid ‘spot spamming’ and ‘shooting at triangles’ as we’ve seen in previous BF games. Now, you mark ‘danger areas’ in the environment, for your squad to shoot at / avoid, and you get points for making kills in these zones.

Animations have been reworked too. Much to the delight of hardcore players, you can now dive sideways to prone, go prone on your back, turn 360 while prone AND crawl backwards on your back. The movement system has been broadened significantly. The map will react to you more too, so you’ll be able to see Recon players crawling around in long grass, or pick off enemies wading through marshy trenches. Soldiers will even slip in mud, and physically push up against cover. It all makes for a game that feels hugely different, yet warmly familiar to BF1.

Now even the weapons have skill trees

Weapons? Yes, they’ve been reworked too. Recoil is now consistent per weapon - this mean that if your LMG constantly recoils upwards, that’s all it’ll do. It won’t bounce from side to side. Roughly speaking, where you aim is where the bullet goes - there’s no artificial skew on shots or random recoil. This means that burst fire will fast become King, and accurate players will be rewarded for the shots they actually take. Phew. Guns, like the vehicles, all have upgrade trees too, allowing you to completely customise EVERY piece of kit you own. That’s both cosmetic and utility.

Weapons, for example, have between 5-7 different parts that can be swapped and changed and you can customise the skills of your weapons, for stuff like faster reloads, more distance, accuracy - things like that. Vehicles too can be chopped, changed, and customised as you see fit. Adding more armor to a Tiger Tank, for example, makes it harder to kill, but slows it down. And don’t worry - you’ll have multiple slots for the same vehicle or weapon. So, if you have a favourite rifle, you’ll be able to customise that exact gun in a number of different ways, save them as pre-sets, and swap between them when you respawn.

Such vast customisation (and to be clear you can customise ANYTHING - including soldier faces, clothes, hair-cuts, gender - yes, there are female soldiers - weapons, insignia, vehicles… just, the lot) is going to mean a whole heap of stuff. There is a lot to unlock and use in Battlefield 5 and it’s done in a number of ways. At the core of it all, you have ‘points’. Simple currency. You get points for doing anything in the game - from playing War Stories, through to being the last man standing in Grand Operations. Points are universal, so when you earn them playing Combined Arms, for example, you can unlock gear to use in regular multiplayer (and vice versa). Points allow you to unlock anything you want when you rank up, so if you’re a Recon looking for your favourite sniper rifle, you don’t need to unlock three other, lesser weapons before you earn the right to use it. Just spend points and you get the gun, crudely.

Unlocking everything

Points are earned just by playing, but you also unlock them by completing Daily Orders and Special Assignments. Daily Orders are essentially Destiny’s bounties, and you should easily be able to complete them in a couple of hours of play. They refresh every day, and you can have up to three active at once. Special Assignments are longer-form objectives, and they act like Destiny’s Exotic quests - they’re multipart and require you to do certain things in certain ways. So, you’ll perhaps need to get 50 revives on a certain map, then heal 100 people in another mode. Those are unconfirmed numbers - I’m just using them to illustrate a point. You can have up to four active Special Assignments at a time, and they’ll reward you with more than just points. Quite what, DICE isn’t talking about.

"I asked whether or not you’d be able to pay to unlock items or buy points. Battlefield 5 will have to make money in some way. What that is remains to be seen"​
Let’s get this out of the way now - I asked whether or not you’d be able to pay to unlock items or buy points and I was told that the way to progress is to play the game. Not a denial, not a confirmation. Given that the Season Pass system has been scrapped completely… well, Battlefield 5 will have to make money in some way. What that is remains to be seen.

Live service is the new DLC pass

Yes, the season pass is dead, replaced by Tides of War, which is the game’s live service. This runs from launch, and it’s hugely ambitious. Each season of Tides of War is known as a Chapter, and it works like a vastly improved version of Fortnite’s Battlepass system. You get a series of timed, limited-period events that last for around 2-3 months, and you get unique rewards for playing through them. Each Grand Operation is specific to a Chapter, so once that Chapter is finished, you won’t play that Grand Operation ever again. Interestingly, each Chapter reflects the way that World War 2 actually progressed, and reflects the events that happened within it. For example, one Chapter will take place in Norway and deal with the conflict inside the Arctic circle - an aspect rarely covered in WW2 games. There will be themed multiplayer events, Combined Arms missions, and War Stories associated with each Chapter.

With Tides of War, then, we’re moving away from the traditional ‘DLC drop’ system, and into constant feeds of new items, new modes, new gameplay elements, and new… everything. It all reflects the way that World War 2 changed the modern world as we know it. Players who take part in these campaigns will unlock exclusive kit that won’t be available ever again, once the Chapter finishes. There will be campaigns set in snowy Norway, rural France, the North African desert, and the city of Rotterdam… and did I spot some concept art from London? Yes, I did.

I feel like I’ve glossed over or missed so much information, such is the extent of the changes DICE is making to Battlefield with 5. I haven’t even touched on how Combined Arms works - essentially pitting four players against a multi-objective scenario, randomly generated by the game’s new mission builder. Not quite a horde mode, not quite a series of full stories - Combined Arms bridges the gap between solo and multiplayer.

All this speaks to the grand ambitions of the game and the way DICE wants to tell a unique WW2 story in an era where games, movies, and TV have exhausted seemingly every possible story in the era. To label this as a reaction to Fortnite, just another WW2 game, or an attempt to move in on Destiny’s turf is doing Battlefield 5 a massive disservice. It could be the shooter of the generation, if gameplay and ambition both fulfil their promises.


ClioSport Club Member
Looks, and sounds amazing. But, and it’s a big But, it’s still an EA game, so that could translate to it being utterly dogshit...
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ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Looks decent. Haven’t played bf for ages, fortnite has taken over my life as we know it lol.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Maybe it’s just the trailer but looks more farcryesqe shooter than ww2 battlefield.

Really wish they would remake 2142 and add Titan mode back.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
It does look great. BF1 was good imo but I got bored of it pretty quick.
Having a group of mates to play in a squad will be key in this one.
Last edited:


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
More of a COD man?

Played a s**t loads of BF3 back when I had more time on my hands and loved it, everything since then has been abit of a downgrade in my eyes and this looks to be the pinnacle for me.

Im actually a CS player since 1.0, but only find the time for the odd CS:GO game now and then. BF has always just been a casual game fun game where as CS is abit more srs.

Oh and I play PUBG when I can! Fortnite is for children of course :p

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Played a s**t loads of BF3 back when I had more time on my hands and loved it, everything since then has been abit of a downgrade in my eyes and this looks to be the pinnacle for me.

Im actually a CS player since 1.0, but only find the time for the odd CS:GO game now and then. BF has always just been a casual game fun game where as CS is abit more srs.

Oh and I play PUBG when I can! Fortnite is for children of course :p
BF3 was brilliant.

I never played CS but it's been talked about a lot on this forum.

I'll end up buying this but it's October release, same as RDR2. I'll want to get up to scratch on multiplayer fairly handy but not sure if it'll happen.
Tbh, I'll probably still be playing God of War and Farcry 5 as I get so little time on the PlayStation now.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm going to hold my breath on this, as BF1 was very disappointing... And I might be wrong, but I just can't picture a woman running around on the battlefield in WW2 with a prosthetic arm! ?

For me BF3 was the sweet spot, and I put far too many hours into that bloody game!

I would love for somebody to bring out just a decent modern day shooter with no stupid gimmicks, just an emphasis on realism and tactics.

(I know there's plenty of games like this) but nobody has had a crack of the whip in the last couple of years!


ClioSport Club Member
BF1 was ace, what didn't you like?

If it ends up being half as good as it looks, it will put alot of pressure on COD.
  Evo 5 RS
Aye, 400 hours in BF1. There's a steeper learning curve than previous games if you want to stay alive, which I think some people detested. If you've got a short temper, then it's not a great game for you lol.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Maybe it’s just the trailer but looks more farcryesqe shooter than ww2 battlefield.

Really wish they would remake 2142 and add Titan mode back.

Totally agree. Still the pinnacle of any of the BF series to me and yet to be bettered. Getting an unlock back then was a MASSIVE achievement because you had worked bloody hard for it. Now, I literally open up Origin and get showered with crates of pointless crap of similar repetition - the vast majority of them never to be used.

I'm going to hold my breath on this, as BF1 was very disappointing... And I might be wrong, but I just can't picture a woman running around on the battlefield in WW2 with a prosthetic arm! ?

For me BF3 was the sweet spot, and I put far too many hours into that bloody game!

I would love for somebody to bring out just a decent modern day shooter with no stupid gimmicks, just an emphasis on realism and tactics.

(I know there's plenty of games like this) but nobody has had a crack of the whip in the last couple of years!

Again, I have to agree. I got my hopes up a lot for this - being a bit of a WW1 & 2 geek. The campaign was good, the maps were fun - but as an online experience it had been done much better before.

With BF:V - the watering down of the classes is a bad idea, imo. So all classes can heal but only the medic can give 100% health? Does that mean that everyone can now carry ammo too - but non-support classes only hand over 70% worth of a clip?

Classes should be explicit - clear cut and with a definitive role to play. An anti-tank guy should be exactly that - a large tube for hurling rockets, and maybe a Grease Gun and an M1911 - and that's it. His job is to take on armour. It's the teams job to cover and protect him while he's doing that. The idea that an AT player should switch tact and be healing a fellow team mate is just daft.

That aside, my biggest gripe is with the movement mentioned in that text. Oh dear lord. Bunny hopping was a cancer in the early days of online FPSs - but it seems like DICE and EA never learn and want to expand on that further. Take their recent Star Wars BF2 release. Not only can you jet-pack around the area you're in, but you can also barrel roll on contact with the ground/stairs/walls like some demented Cirque du Soleil performer. It looks stupid and is stupid. Now in BF:V we're going to have the ability to crawl on our backs? WTF for? When did any military training academy advocate the 'crawling on ones' back' was a worthwhile and sensible move? Forget the days of tea-bagging - how long will it be before female characters (probably played by 12-year-old lads) will be writhing about in the grass on their backs while a team-mate tries to go all missionary on them? Oh, and we can now dive to the side and go prone? Brilliant. Any ARMA player will think they are tripping when playing this.

Sometimes, less is a whole lot more. Stop adding stuff and dial-back the features that you (DICE) think we'd go all gooey and WOW for. There's a reason why the likes of CounterStrike are still very popular to this day. There's a reason why I hold BF2142 in top place of my favourite FPSs. You don't need to shower tons of bolt-on s**t onto players to enjoy the game.


ClioSport Club Member
The rolling and s**t in Star Wars is so annoying because you're seemingly invulnerable while doing it.

I can see alot of people laying down in doorways waiting for someone to walk past, will probably get old quick.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Would be nice if they toned down the Hollywood factors in the game while taking on a less serious feel to the likes of Post Scriptum. I think that balance could be about right?

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
The Rotterdam map is decent, but I won’t be getting the game. Feels exactly the same as BF1.


ClioSport Club Member
Jolly good I really enjoy BF1 so I was hoping for more of the same.
Was bitterly disappointed with the last Star Wars game, changed loads of stuff from the previous one and it was just s**t.

How long before YouTube is rammed full of videos comparing COD WW2 and BF:V ?


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
The battle royale mode only supports 64 players and won't be available on release? 64 players is the standard game population is it not?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I don't really understand how the battle royale concept is supposed to work in BFV?

So it's the largest map so far used within Battlefield? That's a good point. Though now we have 16 squads in far flung corners of the map and by the very nature of BR - it will be a race to see who can get to the aircraft and strafe/bomb the enemy - regardless of whether or not the aircraft can carry multiple people.

After a few minutes - the n00bs, the CBA'ers, the Rambos and potentially, just the unlucky - will be pushing up daisies. This leaves perhaps three squads on one side and four on the other. These are the thinking players - the ones who might actually work together as a squad in an effort to take out the opposition. However, they now take their time - talk to each other and press-on carefully - all the while with thirty-six dead players twiddling their thumbs in the lobby.

Eventually, there will be a winner and 'yey' through the clappity-clap of sniping the final enemy from 300m while you're lying prone in the grass in a virtually dead-silent battlefield. The round restarts and those one-man armies who have decided to stay begin with another life lasting approximately 24 seconds.

Alternatively, everyone goes freelance and all gung-ho in the current trendy thing to do in FPSs - just to see who lasts last. There is no enjoyment here - just plain and utter carnage in which by some fluke (and perhaps skill?) you manage to make it to the very end. If Battlefield was interpreted as food, this adaptation is nothing more than a hot-dog eating contest. It's bland, rapid, you don't give a s**t what you're doing - but you're simply just trying to out-do the similar sausage-swallowers that are around you.

The only way I see this working successfully is with genuine, competitive play. Otherwise the majority of players haven't got the patience to play it at a balanced pace and the more serious gamers get frustrated at the morons in their squad becoming cannon fodder.


ClioSport Club Member
So you only get one life?? f**k that, people will die in the first 5 seconds and just quit.
They won't come back to play again, the game mode will just go dead.

I'm not sitting around in a lobby for half a f**king hour while the last two dickheads wonder the map looking for each other.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
So you only get one life?? f**k that, people will die in the first 5 seconds and just quit.
They won't come back to play again, the game mode will just go dead.

I'm not sitting around in a lobby for half a f**king hour while the last two dickheads wonder the map looking for each other.
That's what I assume it will be like - and yep, you've hit the nail on the head there.


ClioSport Club Member
Does it also mean you can't join a game in progress and have to wait for round change to play??

because again, f**k that I don't have the patience.


ClioSport Club Member
LMAO none of you lot played PUBG or Fortnite?! Theres a reason they are introducing it, because its the most popular type of gameplay at the moment.


ClioSport Club Member
LMAO none of you lot played PUBG or Fortnite?!

No, so they have the same setup? You die and then sit around twiddling your thumbs while everyone else finishes playing??
There's no re-spawn?

What's the point?


ClioSport Club Member
No, so they have the same setup? You die and then sit around twiddling your thumbs while everyone else finishes playing??
There's no re-spawn?

What's the point?
No respawn, but there’s no need to sit and wait for the game to finish, at least on PUBG & Fortnite


ClioSport Club Member
Never played them but i didn't even think a multi-player game with no re-spawn would be a thing, just seems..........boring??

I still don't understand what happens when you die?


ClioSport Club Member
Never played them but i didn't even think a multi-player game with no re-spawn would be a thing, just seems..........boring??

I still don't understand what happens when you die?
If you’re with friends, you can watch them I guess. If solo, you leave the game and join another - you do get a score up until the point you die


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Works well on fortnite, also depends a lot on how good you are. Getting nailed within the first five mins means you went to the wrong place, met a better player or crap at the game.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Works well on fortnite, also depends a lot on how good you are. Getting nailed within the first five mins means you went to the wrong place, met a better player or crap at the game.


ClioSport Club Member
Played the Beta for abit tonight.

Controls are abit clunky, kinda feels like they've tried to cram too much stuff in.
Don't like the faf with health, or vehicles running out of ammo, building defense walls seems like a waste of time.

The assault class is tons better than the rest, and vehicles seems almost invulnerable.
Search and Destroy on CoD is also no respawn and its good... gives you a chance to run to the front, die, make a drink before the next round or whatever :D


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Anyone playing the Deluxe edition now? I’ve preordered it but got to wait till Tuesday. Anyone getting this then, and getting a group together?
