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BB 9700 + UMA + BT Homehub = ?


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
How do I set this up? I get f**k all signal in my house! Little help would be appreciated :)
  Bus w**ker
Depends if your network supports UMA or not. Think Orange does but Voda doesn't. Not 100% sure though so you'd need to check. If you're with Voda though I'm sure they offer some coverage thing.
  Clio 182
Orange does not support UMA unfortunately. Vodafone should but you would need to double check that! What network are you with?
  Revels Mum & Sister
You need to ring Orange and setup the service mate. You looked at the Orange site?

The Vodafone thing is a Femtocell.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I did look at the site but was confusing and didn't give me any info. Just told me how to connect to WiFi!

EDIT: Okay, my phone just did it by itself. The little House symbol is green and in the top right it says "UMA"
  Audi TT
Was gonna say. With Orange UMA so long as you can get a wifi connection it should be working. Wish it worked on the Bold 9000 as I have a flakey signal in my house sometimes.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
It's pretty patchy. UMA seem's to come on for about 5 mins then disappear.
