obviously nobody can really comment on exactly what is happening from an aerodynamic point of view,
but surely this is going to add a hell of a lot of drag and will make the air hitting the rear spoiler a lot more turbulent based on the bernoullis theorem.
it will obviously increase front end grip slightly, but at the expense of rear grip.
also having that weight that high up will not be aiding the centre of gravity in any way. Why not have the spoiler sticking out the front, low to the ground?? since the turbulent air going under the car is undesired and reduces downforce already, then rather than throwing it upwards out the way of the rear spoiler (which it seems to be doing atm), it will throw more into front screen of the car, and ultimatley INTO the rear spoiler.
maybe what theyre doing does work, but im pretty sure the idea has been toyed with by some much smarter people than these guys to no avail.