that is the point though, a lot of people are going to be thinking about high def movies now they all have these big HD tv's and to get a console that does gaming and is considered as one of the best bluray drives on the market for the cheap price of £400 is a great buy.Xbox 360 I would wait for the revised elite.
PS3 is great, however can you really justify that money for a games console, i know it has blue ray - but that's not the point.
I would wait some months until the prices have gone down and then decide.
Its a steal at £400 (some places lower) and to get a similarily specced 360 would cost more than that so hows it too expensive, what utter rubbish.
that is the point though, a lot of people are going to be thinking about high def movies now they all have these big HD tv's and to get a console that does gaming and is considered as one of the best bluray drives on the market for the cheap price of £400 is a great buy.Xbox 360 I would wait for the revised elite.
PS3 is great, however can you really justify that money for a games console, i know it has blue ray - but that's not the point.
I would wait some months until the prices have gone down and then decide.
Its actually pretty cheap when you consider the bigger hdd, the built in wireless, the wirless controllers you don't need to buy a play and charge kit for, motion sensing controllers and its much quieter.
Its a steal at £400 (some places lower) and to get a similarily specced 360 would cost more than that so hows it too expensive, what utter rubbish.
i have both and both have their good qualities.
ps3 is quieter, looks nicer, better controller with motion sensors, built in wireless, 4x bigger useable hdd, comes with HD movies capability built in.
360 better online and more games
both got the same graphics and playability with games.
i have both and both have their good qualities.
ps3 is quieter, looks nicer, better controller with motion sensors, built in wireless, 4x bigger useable hdd, comes with HD movies capability built in.
360 better online and more games
both got the same graphics and playability with games.
Better controllers is highly debatable, infact I'd say that was horses**t IMO!