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best car cleaning stuff !!!!!!!!!!! really makes your car stand out.

  Clio 182
Why thank you Si for correcting my spelling, i bow down to you wisdom and knowledge of the English spelling's and grammer.
Your is different to You're, You're is a shortened version to 'you are' as your putting a comma where the A should be without a space.

Grammar, lol.
  Black RS200
Wash your car as normal (with water), dry it how you normally would, THEN go over it with this stuff.

Must admit i had some of this a couple of years back, Works a treat on a car that has just been cleaned with water.
As for using it without washing the car 1st thats just not normal.
  ITB BG 182
Si at the end of the day ifyou have nothin better to do with ur time put spot silly little mistake that people have put then really i think u need to get out a little more dont you. Im sure if i put your you're or UR then people would understand what i meant in the first place.
Amazin how you are the only 1 that spotted itthough innit.
oh n to keep u happy i made lots of mistake with comma space and other things missing have fun my dear

Jesus! talk about going off topic because of one moron with the spelling and grammar!


  RS Clio 172
Says the guy who stayed in on a Saturday night making, and contributing to, a thread about how people who correct grammar are annoying? What a night.

The only reason I did it in the first place was for teh lolz. You had a go at the guy, calling him stupid etc. I just found it funny that you made a mistake in doing so. Then you bit at my reply so using my incredible grammar skillz I pointed out the errors in your angry reply, again for teh lolz.

It's just a joke & it's just a forum. <3 I thought you'd be out racing Porsches all night anyway? :p
  clio mark3 (06) 1.4 16v
DiD one respondent say,,, It worked great after washing the car first ? so some people buy a waterless car wash,,,,, but wash it first before using the product ? and you call me stupid. But I must say this has all got out of hand !!! Not all, but a majority are saying how s**te this idea is without ever having tried it which to me is bizzare. How can someone who has not used a waterless car wash Insist that it is imposible to wash a car without water or say that the traditional method of car washing is the best & only way. To sum up,,,,,,, I cleaned my car with my stuff last week & today It is shinning like a new pin,,the clouds are reflected on the roof,, as you walk past or another vehicle drives past the reflection is equall to that of a mirror ( my car is black though in colour )

I believe in the old addage of,,, dont knock something till you have tried it. ( except morris dancing )


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
DiD one respondent say,,, It worked great after washing the car first ? so some people buy a waterless car wash,,,,, but wash it first before using the product ? and you call me stupid. But I must say this has all got out of hand !!! Not all, but a majority are saying how s**te this idea is without ever having tried it which to me is bizzare. How can someone who has not used a waterless car wash Insist that it is imposible to wash a car without water or say that the traditional method of car washing is the best & only way. To sum up,,,,,,, I cleaned my car with my stuff last week & today It is shinning like a new pin,,the clouds are reflected on the roof,, as you walk past or another vehicle drives past the reflection is equall to that of a mirror ( my car is black though in colour )

I believe in the old addage of,,, dont knock something till you have tried it. ( except morris dancing )

I don't think you understand.

You are mental. Without water you are pushing the dirt all oover your paintwork, thus scratching the f**k out of it. Your wonder spunk contains a lot of fillers I expect and thats whats making your car shiny. As soon as it rains, the fillers will be washed off and the car will be left swirled and crap.

This isn't my opinion, this is actual fact. You could argue with me, but you'd be wrong.
  Mini Cooper S
I agree with daniel. Surely pushing/rubbing the dirt and road shite INTO your paint cannot be good for it as said in a previous comment wash and clay your car properly and then tell me how it shines?!


Herr Flick

aka Herman Ze German
secondly, lol at 'washing' a car without the key factor (water)
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  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
I bought this after reading the thread, it is truly amazing stuff! Never thought it was possible to wash the car without water but i did and it looks great!
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
No mate. I did the left half so i could take compare pics. Look!

  BMW E46 330i Touring
I think some pictures, taken in the sun, are required. Just to show off how unswirly the paint is...
  clio 182 sport
brighamboy ive been cleaning my titanium 182 with this stuff since xmas. its amazing a bottle of polish 2 x cloths job done


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
DiD one respondent say,,, It worked great after washing the car first ? so some people buy a waterless car wash,,,,, but wash it first before using the product ? and you call me stupid. But I must say this has all got out of hand !!! Not all, but a majority are saying how s**te this idea is without ever having tried it which to me is bizzare. How can someone who has not used a waterless car wash Insist that it is imposible to wash a car without water or say that the traditional method of car washing is the best & only way. To sum up,,,,,,, I cleaned my car with my stuff last week & today It is shinning like a new pin,,the clouds are reflected on the roof,, as you walk past or another vehicle drives past the reflection is equall to that of a mirror ( my car is black though in colour )

I believe in the old addage of,,, dont knock something till you have tried it. ( except morris dancing )



ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I've never tried cutting my scrotum off, I know it will hurt. Therefore i've never tried washing my car without water as I know it will scratch it's simple logic tbh Have you typed this thread using a keyboard or some other magic product?
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Wow this is just special. Dude listen to what people are saying. These miracle products are for people who never wash there car and are full of chemicals that harm your paint if continually used.
  Fiesta ST-2
FLOL @ buying 5 litres of the stuff and convincing others to buy it! You should become a salesman or start a cult.
this stuff is actually really good but not without water you f**king moron!! without water you are just wearing the fine particles of dirt into your paintwork and scratching the f**k out of it! when i use it (if i can be arsed) the dirt gets washed off then i use it to polish the car, comes up a treat. nothing compared to auto glym deep shine though
If Markie can't be arsed to talk about ONR, then I certainly can't. . .

But hey ho - ONR or Optimum No Rinse is a waterless wash product. It works (apparantly) and is very good for shows. A lot of detailers (and by detailers I mean well known and trusted detailers, not people who have a DA) use it when there is no other way of cleaning the car before a detail.

I personally don't like the idea of a no water wash method, but then again I'm a rich daddies boy with a garage, allowing me to wash, polish and wax pretty much all year round come rain or shine . . .

n.b; This is to prove the point that waterless washes are out there, not to back up the crap spouted by our newest detailing guru . . .
  E87 118d M Sport
It has its place. But its not "the best car cleaning stuff".

But like you said, its just opinions. If you wanna sit there with a massive bottle of ONR and a hundred towels to ensure theres no damage caused, and then pop the towels in the machine machine, thats your call. But there is always water invovled somewhere lol.
  ITB BG 182
If Markie can't be arsed to talk about ONR, then I certainly can't. . .

But hey ho - ONR or Optimum No Rinse is a waterless wash product. It works (apparantly) and is very good for shows. A lot of detailers (and by detailers I mean well known and trusted detailers, not people who have a DA) use it when there is no other way of cleaning the car before a detail.
I personally don't like the idea of a no water wash method, but then again I'm a rich daddies boy with a garage, allowing me to wash, polish and wax pretty much all year round come rain or shine . . .
n.b; This is to prove the point that waterless washes are out there, not to back up the crap spouted by our newest detailing guru . . .

After watching that video I can clearly see the guy is on crack. Youd be better off jet washing the car off first then to use this stuff.
TBH John I typed in ONR into Google. The video may therefore not be the best. I would use ONR if there was no water source available. As said, detailers worth talking about (Russ, Jim White etc) use it when they really need to.

I would personally rather take sealable buckets in the boot of the car with water in, if necessary. Much like our long lost daddy of them all, Rich.
  Bumder With A Buffer
ONR isnt waterless??? :S

You mix it 1oz to 6 gallons etc.

The idea of it is that you dont have to rinse the shampoo residue off?? hence its name "Optimum No Rinse" :S
  Not a 320d
After watching that video I can clearly see the guy is on crack. Youd be better off jet washing the car off first then to use this stuff.

Some people dont have that luxry mate, and at shows, or when you live in a flat with no water outside, then ONR is a god send. I dont use it, like JD said, have garage, driveway and a tap that water comes out of ....
  Not a 320d
I thought that was the OP's product, a similar version to ONR? I'll be honest, I read about a seventeenth of the post...

Was it this section that made you stop and facepalm?

".......waterless car wash/polish ) I will never use water to wash my car again,,,, Its brilliant & so quick & easy"
