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Best Content Managed Website Design

  2014 Focus Titanium

I'm looking at re-doing our company website and want to know people's views on the best CMS systems. I'm currently looking at 1and1 MyWebsite and Jimdo Business.

My current website is here: and I have used a CMS provided by Terapad. I have customised it completely, changed the layout, added a javascript fadeshow for the header, changed the template to my own so it looks professional. I'm mostly very happy with it but it lacks features which I would like to add:

Twitter Feed
Weather Widget
Google Map (interactive one)

So, I've looked at 1and1 My Website and it does everything I want apart from it doesn't have a News Blog, this is a necessity for me as I post a hell of a lot of news/events etc on mine and then link facebook/twitter to them.

So, do any of you have any experience of these systems and which would you recommend?
  Bus w**ker
Not 1&1. EVER.

Get a hosting package to suit your needs from a good and reliable business hosting company. Then go for Wordpress (my personal choice), Joomla or the Drupal. Make it your own with the features and look you require, done.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Either or will do the job be it Joomla or WordPress.

I personally prefer WordPress to and did my website with it but its personal preference.
  Bus w**ker
I find Joomla is sluggish and more complicated to use, plus the admin panel really just f***s me off. I can see the benefits from using it but personally whenever I've tried I'v got so far and though "f**k it I can do this in Wordpress in half the time".
  2014 Focus Titanium
Well after having read some reviews today I've actually decided to give Jimdo a go, if that doesn't work it will be Joomla on all your recommendations. So far Jimdo is excellent, as I delve deeper we'll see if there are any limitations that I reach.
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I find Joomla is sluggish and more complicated to use, plus the admin panel really just f**ks me off. I can see the benefits from using it but personally whenever I've tried I'v got so far and though "f**k it I can do this in Wordpress in half the time".

It is sluggish to start of with, but can be greatly optimised. I can also see your point about the admin panel, but I have been using it for the last 4 years so I find it really easy + I know where everything is.

Well after having read some reviews today I've actually decided to give Jimdo a go, if that doesn't work it will be Joomla on all your recommendations. So far Jimdo is excellent, as I delve deeper we'll see if there are any limitations that I reach.

Never heard of them! Well if you decide to go to Joomla in the end. If you need any help with anything just drop me a PM!
  2014 Focus Titanium

It is sluggish to start of with, but can be greatly optimised. I can also see your point about the admin panel, but I have been using it for the last 4 years so I find it really easy + I know where everything is.

Never heard of them! Well if you decide to go to Joomla in the end. If you need any help with anything just drop me a PM!

I had never heard of them either until I went to this comparison and review site,, got to tell you that I am really impressed with it so far, looks great and with my half decent knowledge of CSS and HTML I am really able to customise it, add several widgets including an events calendar, twitter feed, met office widget, news blog etc. It also has a newsletter system so I can get rid of my iContact subscription. Perfect!
  172 Cup & K20 Ph1 have been excellent for me, used them for years. Wordpress on-top is good too, plus it's free + opensouce


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Really? The WP site I'm currently in the process of doing isn't blog like at all.
  Bus w**ker
Really? The WP site I'm currently in the process of doing isn't blog like at all.

Have to agree, all depends on what you're using the site for and how you customise it. The admin of Joomla is the worst thing about the whole package for me, just so not user friendly and overly complicated.

If they're sluggish, get a decent hoster!

I've had Joomla on shared, reseller, VPS and dedi. Always, always, felt painfully slow to use. WP however is lightning fast, unless you take over admin of someone else's and the previous moron has loaded it up with a billion plugins.
  TTRS & V50
Wordpress all day long.

Lol at WP sites having the blog feel, that's probably because it's a blogging platform, it doesn't have to be as this site shows:

It's such an ease to develop in, I hopefully will never have to look at another CMS again. No point chopping and changing as a dev, pick and stick.
