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Best kept Astra vxr on the planet??


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
If it was some ultra rare super car it would be fine. But it's an Astra. An Astra.
  Abarth 500 Esseesse

LOL at getting it all nice and mapped, to then go and throw a load of weight in it in the form of sound deadening and ICE.
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Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
He sold this over 12 months ago .. He has a green focus RS now

That would explain it then.


WAX on the numberplate LOL!
Pmsl at that loll cage. Nice way to make it a 2-seater. I suppose at least keeping the back seats in, folded down, lowers the CoG.
Woah!! Mineral water and cotton buds....2 things I would never have even considered when car cleaning.
  'Berg Sold, Cupra-R
Actual tears.

That photo does look pretty bad to be fair.

I can't say anything bad about the guy, he's top of his game and he has a passion for what he does... maybe just takes it a little too far sometimes. :eek:

That pic is brilliant.......nearly choked on a gob full of tea!
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  Bumder With A Buffer
You laugh but using cotton buds to remove polish residue from tiny places I do "occsionally"

And also mineral water...I wish I could be arsed to spend money and use some of that. The watermarks I have in my hard-water area are rediculous. Especially on the old Monaco Blue maybe not so now on the silver!
You may well take the piss, but simple fact is he's made a name for himself as a detailer, and will continue to do so based on his attention to detail.

What would you rather, a person who drives a clapped out old van that he clearly couldn't give a shite about, or a lad who takes it maybe a little too far occasionally...? I know who I'd spend my money with.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Iirc that's Paul Dalton on the left. (right of the picture)


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Quite suprised he let the guy on the right lean/rest his arm on the car to take a photo.
You may well take the piss, but simple fact is he's made a name for himself as a detailer, and will continue to do so based on his attention to detail.

What would you rather, a person who drives a clapped out old van that he clearly couldn't give a shite about, or a lad who takes it maybe a little too far occasionally...? I know who I'd spend my money with.

So is it his job now?
  200 FF Storm Grey
I saw this at PVS last year, stood their saying to my mate 'I aint into all this chrome engine bay sh1te, it's all about purpose for me', looked up and he was stood there :dead: lol


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
He's always been a pro detailer afaik.

Yeah Rich Heavenly Detail are his company. Chem Guys worked with him and made his own wax, not bad going for a geek...


  200 FF Storm Grey
Massaging your car by hand is a tad to far.

It's best way to apply it to be honest, it's what I do with Victoria wax, can get into all the nuts & cranies plus you get a more even spread I find. Your guaranteed grit aint getting caught up either!

Sometimes do it in my undies when the neighbours are out :cool:
  Bumder With A Buffer
It's best way to apply it to be honest, it's what I do with Victoria wax, can get into all the nuts & cranies plus you get a more even spread I find. Your guaranteed grit aint getting caught up either!

Sometimes do it in my undies when the neighbours are out :cool:




Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
The bottom link has some amazing threads in it Revs, Ferrari's and a few cover cars. Really good to go through them aswell as his own car ones.
Loller, I was just thinking that! Where is UBERdetailer these days? It's been a wee bit too quiet...
